Hey legends these are todays check in photo’s currently 24 weeks out from comp and damn we are fucking lean already, dropped 1.7kg this week weighing in at 93.5 this morning.
Ped protocol remains the same, still on 100 test, 100 mast and 40mcg clen but my T4 should arrive this week so 50mg of that will be incorporated also

sorry I’ve been inactive lately work and family life has been stupidly busy have a good one legends
Also I tried to take my photos from down low like a judge would see them and my coach told me to re take them like i normally would as he wants me to keep everything the same and consistent ahah I tried.
Also I know I haven’t posted any training list as of late life is just crazy busy we are still rocking the same workouts when we start hitting the gas hard I’ll start posting training again thanks for the support as always lads have a killer week!