So I'm going to give this a try. I currently am at 195lbs, 17% bf. I've run cycles many times correctly with blood work and occasional plasma donation. I'm currently coming wrapping up superdrol from Geneza pharm. I have doc prescribed trt. 200 mg cip 1 ml a week. My diet is tight fish , quinoa rice, lots chicken thighs, 2 protein shake daily. Yogurt w granola, grilled veggies. Wifey meal prep protein bowels for us. I feel caloric intake needs to be higher. I throw in pop tarts and almonds as well. I'm not looking for competition physique. I was always that skinny dude until about 37, now 46 @ 6'3. Umbrella labs lgd on the way. Plan to run it with trt also in the gym Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun. I know I'm all over the place here. Let me know what other information you guys need