DAY 41 (LEG):
1. Back Squats: 3x12 - 113Ib (1RM-141Ib)
2. Barbell Hack Squats: 3x12 - 88Ib (1RM-110Ib)
3. Leg Press Sissy Squats: 2x12
4. Leg Extensions: 3x12 - 92Ib (1RM-115Ib)
5. DB Lunges: 3x10each - 52Ib (1RM-65Ib)
6. Stiff Legged Deadlifts: 4x12 - 95Ib - (1RM-119Ib)
7. Seated Leg Curls: 3x12 - 51Ib (1RM-64Ib)
8. Standing Calf Raises: 4x12
9. Donkey Calf Raises: 3x12
10. Seated Calf Raises: 3x15 - 41Ib (1RM-41Ib)
*Cardio: 15-20 mins

Daily Diet:
2,937 kcal (total)
Protein: 184g
Fat: 98g
Net Carbs: 330g
Breakfast: 535 kcal
- scrambled egg whites - 112.5g,
- avocado toast - 2 slice (200g),
- apple - 1.
Lunch: 623 kcal
- grilled chicken salad - 307.5g,
- tuna sandwich - 1 sandwich.
Dinner: 1,091 kcal
- chicken stir fry - 600g,
- spinach salad - 90.75g,
- corn - 120g,
- raw carrots - 1.059 serving (90g).
Snack: 363 kcal
- banana - 1,
- mixed nuts - 45g.

Snack: 287 kcal
- protein shake - 187.5 mL,
- kiwi - 2,
- orange - 2.
Week 8 - Day 7: Dbol cycle
*Dbol: 40mg/day
*Aromasin: 10mg (EOD)
*Organ protection: N2Guard (7 caps)/day
*Blood pressure: 3g/day of Fish oil
1. Back Squats: 3x12 - 113Ib (1RM-141Ib)
2. Barbell Hack Squats: 3x12 - 88Ib (1RM-110Ib)
3. Leg Press Sissy Squats: 2x12
4. Leg Extensions: 3x12 - 92Ib (1RM-115Ib)
5. DB Lunges: 3x10each - 52Ib (1RM-65Ib)
6. Stiff Legged Deadlifts: 4x12 - 95Ib - (1RM-119Ib)
7. Seated Leg Curls: 3x12 - 51Ib (1RM-64Ib)
8. Standing Calf Raises: 4x12
9. Donkey Calf Raises: 3x12
10. Seated Calf Raises: 3x15 - 41Ib (1RM-41Ib)
*Cardio: 15-20 mins

Daily Diet:
2,937 kcal (total)
Protein: 184g
Fat: 98g
Net Carbs: 330g
Breakfast: 535 kcal
- scrambled egg whites - 112.5g,
- avocado toast - 2 slice (200g),
- apple - 1.
Lunch: 623 kcal
- grilled chicken salad - 307.5g,
- tuna sandwich - 1 sandwich.
Dinner: 1,091 kcal
- chicken stir fry - 600g,
- spinach salad - 90.75g,
- corn - 120g,
- raw carrots - 1.059 serving (90g).
Snack: 363 kcal
- banana - 1,
- mixed nuts - 45g.

Snack: 287 kcal
- protein shake - 187.5 mL,
- kiwi - 2,
- orange - 2.
Week 8 - Day 7: Dbol cycle
*Dbol: 40mg/day
*Aromasin: 10mg (EOD)
*Organ protection: N2Guard (7 caps)/day
*Blood pressure: 3g/day of Fish oil