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Approved Log Mobster - back on the grind log

Easing back to 80% of previous heavy loads
Hammer DB Curls
30kg x 15 reps, 50kg x 15 reps, 70kg/154lbs x 15 reps

EZ Bar Skull Crushers
29kg x 12 reps, 49kg x 12 reps, 69kg/172lbs x 12 reps (weight does not inc collar weight)

Extensor Only Standing BB Wrist Curls
20kg bar x 15 reps, 40kg x 12 reps, 60kg/132lbs x 8 reps

Bwt (1st time weighed in weeks) only 311lbs. Mind you I can see veins on my calves and shins
Low Cable Rows
to stack (eqv to 120kg/264lbs) x 20

Close Grip Bench Press
to 172.5kg/379.5lbs x 3 x 3 reps

to 189.6kg/417.2lbs x 4 x 12 reps. All previous sets done thumbless
*Had a weight/reps number in my mind and hit it. @ Powerhouse Gym
Hatfield Squat
Safety Squat Bar x 8, 100kg/220lbs x 8 reps, 200kg/440lbs x 6 reps, 280kg/616lbs x 6 reps

Leg Press
As not my usual set up I upped the reps
200kg/440lbs x 15 reps, 400kg/880lbs x 15 reps, 600kg/1320lbs x 15 reps

Lying Leg Curls
7p x 8 reps, 11p x 8 reps, 16p x 6 (4+12+1) reps

Leg Extensions
1/2 stack x 8 reps, stack x 8 reps, 3/4 stack x 6 reps PER LEG
Backing off as before (esp on the Saxon Bar)
Seated Press
to 110kg/242lbs x 4 reps

Saxon Bar
to 110kg x 2 x 1 then 2 x F. Dropped off to 105kg x F, 1 (barely) then F. Needs to be this weight next time - aiming for 6-8 x 1 reps (stay on plan)
Dumbbell Curls
upped the weights 2.5kg/5.5lbs so
15kg/33lbs x 8, 25kg/55lbs x 8 and 35kg/77lbs per dumbbell x 8

Tricep Pressdowns
7p x 12 reps, 11p x 10 reps, and 15p (eqv to 90kg/198lbs) x 11 reps

Standing BB Wrist Curls (Flexors)
to 120-kilos/264lbs x 7 loose reps d/s to 60-kilos (meant to do 65)
Iso Lever Low Row
40kg/88lbs x 15 reps, 80kg/176lbs x 12 reps, 120kg/264lbs x 10 reps

Close Grip Bench Press
to 175kg x 2, upped to 180kg/396lbs x 2 x 2 (touch from spotter on 2nd rep both times)

MiraFit 60mm Rolling Handle
LH: +85kg/187lbs x 2, 2 and F
RH: +92.5/203.5lbs x 3, 3 and 2 reps
Power Squat Machine
Braced hard into the pads so as to not bend the piece of steel
180kg x 8 reps, 380kg x 8 reps, 565kg x 5 reps

Leg Press
Got too greedy on all sets (too lazy to adjust etc)
312kg x 8 reps, 452kg x 8 reps, 652kg x 2 reps

Lying Leg Curls
Rep quality could have been better)
4p x 8 reps, 9p+2.5kg x 8 (6+1+1)

Leg Extensions
1/2 stack x 8 reps, stack+12.5kg x 6 (tgt was 8)
Iso Lever Low Row
40kg/88lbs x 15 reps, 80kg/176lbs x 12 reps, 120kg/264lbs x 10 reps

Close Grip Bench Press
to 175kg x 2, upped to 180kg/396lbs x 2 x 2 (touch from spotter on 2nd rep both times)

MiraFit 60mm Rolling Handle
LH: +85kg/187lbs x 2, 2 and F
RH: +92.5/203.5lbs x 3, 3 and 2 reps
big and STRONg @Mobster

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