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Supplements choosing the right creatine and protein powder


New member
looking for a mix of creatine and protein powder
which one of these would you recommend if you have to supplement with both
I’m currently 21 years old and I just started weight training seriously after doing it in high school here and there
looking for something to help build more muscle
looking for a mix of creatine and protein powder
which one of these would you recommend if you have to supplement with both
I’m currently 21 years old and I just started weight training seriously after doing it in high school here and there
looking for something to help build more muscle
i would get something no flavor and eat more real food
the mixes and blends are almost always low quality from what I've seen and you don't know what's in them because supplement companies lie
you definitely want to buy separately.. a lot of pre workouts, for example, have creatine in them and thats fine , even some eaas might have it but with protein, i would keep it separate...

watch this video , its by far my favorite kind of protein powder

looking for a mix of creatine and protein powder
which one of these would you recommend if you have to supplement with both
I’m currently 21 years old and I just started weight training seriously after doing it in high school here and there
looking for something to help build more muscle
get regular creatine and lots of real food

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