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Approved Log Pre-cycle Summer Cut Log

Not exactly an update but an answer to the common questions.

That specific fight was at night in my home town and it was really just my friend (Ian) called me and asked if I was down to back him up and as always I said yes. We had probably 9 or 10 people there but decided that 3 extras to watch was probably good. When we got there, there was 5 of them and 2 had big ass kitchen knives. Before fighting we all argued about that, they tossed the knives but by that point we had about 15 others come up and around behind us. We had a small opportunity to bounce but 1 person (mike) decided to bang his set and when the other people did the same I started swinging cause I knew it was about to happen anyways. I hit one dude, he hit the ground, and than some very bug person lifted me up and threw me across the street. I woke up to someone bedding down to stab me while my friend at the same time came up and kicked him in the head. I got up and tried to keep swinging but my arm was hanging down and wouldn't move right. I looked around and saw how bad shit was and YELLED ALOT to get tf out. I hopped in my car and started trying to hit people to get my friends out ( reaching across my body to shift with my left arm since right was fucked 😅). I didn't really learn how bad I was hurt until I was in the hospital. The staff was trippin at first cause if the Big slash in my shirt but they found only a scratch.

I planned on going after all those guys but I also learned from my sister who knew some of them that the whole thing started because Ian actually went to fight them to stick up for his friend Jarrett. Jarrett is in prison right now for a whole slew of charges, but he started the whole thing by using the N word in a verbal fight he had with the group we ended up fighting. I'm not and never will be racist so I let the whole thing go. What makes me laugh about it tho is that we had 1 Mexican and 1 black man with us as we didn't know the racial part of the situation yet. And the Mexican with us (big mike) was the one to bang his set 😅

I am lucky they didn't get me with the knife or just stomp my head in, I think they had every intention of putting my light out for good but just didn't get the opportunity to follow through.

In my home town we had several fights that took over blocks or large areas of neighborhood, I was rarely absent for any of them.

After the fight i got prescribed some pills that started a crazy drug addiction that didnt end until i cleaned my life up for good (about 20-21 years old) and now im 8ish years sober and havent been in a fight in 6ish years.

-I changed my ways because I realized there was no future plan for what I was doing and I was headed to prison like both my parents. I think all I had wanted was a family/ group to defend and feel like I'm apart of something. When I realized this I moved to Washington from Nebraska and now I have a real family that I will never let anything/ anyone hurt or ruin for me. I'm with the best woman I have ever met and we have 2 kids that are just beautiful. They are everything to me and I will not ruin what I have now. I am very blessed and grateful.

I love fighting and I don't take disrespect lightly so it's a hard thing to put behind me and the gym barely suppresses that but I'm trying hard everyday!

Sorry for the length of that story.

*And damn!! BodyMonster fighting on tankers is insane 😅 you a badass mofo but I think you know that
@Powers96 thats dangerous bro damn, you gotta stay away from the fights and spend more time in the gym

you gotta really stick to the training
and drug addictions are bad, i was on drugs and alcohol but now clean for many years training
you're in the right place to clean up and grow

you need to really stay concentrated on your future cycle and gains
My advice when it comes to your shoulder injury is avoid anything that aggravates it.
you will need to stay away from things like overhead presses and overhead pull downs and stuff like that that put a lot of pressure on the shoulders also inclines are a no-go
I do try. I will say I worked out avoiding all of that for the first 2-3 years of training and stuck to the movements I was taught to do to support the shoulder/ injury. Now over the past few years I've been slowly working it up. I am pretty limited in all the movements you mentioned and doing them can jam me up, I just really love lat pulldowns, and incline bench 🤦‍♂️
bro i like you fighting hard
i fight a lot on tanker, threw a dude off who pissed me off last week
boss made me jump in after him lol
That's awesome 🤣 that shit makes me miss building houses. My boss threw a fucking Sawzall once 🤣 another guy got all upset while we were building the floor for a house and someone kicked him down to the basement level where there wasn't sheeting yet. I loved that job
@Powers96 thats dangerous bro damn, you gotta stay away from the fights and spend more time in the gym

you gotta really stick to the training
and drug addictions are bad, i was on drugs and alcohol but now clean for many years training
you're in the right place to clean up and grow

you need to really stay concentrated on your future cycle and gains
Oh trust me man I do my best every day to be calm and passive and happy. When I cant, I do my best to imagine the gym and than save it for the gym 💪
Did you check my cycle plan btw? Hoping to get an opinion or 2 before I solidify that plan
Cut Log day 3 update:

Sleep- 7 hours

Macros for the day: 2,487 cal. 201 G protein. 152 G Carbs. 106G fats

breakfast: 8 am protein oatmeal20240610_060615.jpg
11 am 4 turkey sausages (I wanted to eat at 10 am but I was in an inspection so I couldn't) 20240610_060602.jpg
Lunch: I ate lunch when I got a moment or 2 between different parts of the projects I was on so between 12-2 I ate 80% of my lunch and finished the rest at 4:10 when I got off work
Got home from gym at 7:40. Ate at 8ish.
My wife made Buffalo chicken casserole, never had it before but it's fuckin good and a ton of protein!

Training: 6 pm- 7:15 pm

Lat Pulldown- |Set 1- 130 lbs with 12 reps and Set lasted 1 minute | Set 2 - 130 lbs - 7 reps - 50 seconds | Set 3 - 130 lbs - 7 reps - 52 seconds|

Low Row - |Set 1- 110 lbs with 9 reps and Set lasted 58 seconds | Set 2- 110 lbs - 9 reps - 1 minute

Rear delt fly Mach- |Set 1- 55 lbs - 12 reps - 50 seconds| Set 2- 55lbs - 9 reps - 50 seconds

Standing Lat Pushdown- | Set 1- 55lbs - 9 reps - 50 seconds| Set 2- 55 lbs - 7 reps - 44 seconds |

Cable Curls- | Set 1- 42.5lbs - 12 reps - 52 seconds| Set 2- 42.5 lbs - 10 reps - 54 seconds |

5 min stretch

Elliptical - 10 minutes / 0.8 miles
Cut Log day 3 update:

Sleep- 7 hours

Macros for the day: 2,487 cal. 201 G protein. 152 G Carbs. 106G fats

breakfast: 8 am protein oatmealView attachment 3417
11 am 4 turkey sausages (I wanted to eat at 10 am but I was in an inspection so I couldn't) View attachment 3418
Lunch: I ate lunch when I got a moment or 2 between different parts of the projects I was on so between 12-2 I ate 80% of my lunch and finished the rest at 4:10 when I got off work
View attachment 3416
Got home from gym at 7:40. Ate at 8ish.
My wife made Buffalo chicken casserole, never had it before but it's fuckin good and a ton of protein!
View attachment 3415

Training: 6 pm- 7:15 pm

Lat Pulldown- |Set 1- 130 lbs with 12 reps and Set lasted 1 minute | Set 2 - 130 lbs - 7 reps - 50 seconds | Set 3 - 130 lbs - 7 reps - 52 seconds|

Low Row - |Set 1- 110 lbs with 9 reps and Set lasted 58 seconds | Set 2- 110 lbs - 9 reps - 1 minute

Rear delt fly Mach- |Set 1- 55 lbs - 12 reps - 50 seconds| Set 2- 55lbs - 9 reps - 50 seconds

Standing Lat Pushdown- | Set 1- 55lbs - 9 reps - 50 seconds| Set 2- 55 lbs - 7 reps - 44 seconds |

Cable Curls- | Set 1- 42.5lbs - 12 reps - 52 seconds| Set 2- 42.5 lbs - 10 reps - 54 seconds |

5 min stretch

Elliptical - 10 minutes / 0.8 miles
@Powers96 good meals but can you add more protein?

and your training can you up the cardio?

keep sharing please
@Powers96 good meals but can you add more protein?

and your training can you up the cardio?

keep sharing please
More than 200G? Gonna be hard to stay within calorie marker I think but I can try. Cardio, kind of.. I like lifting and hate cardio but if I'm going to add more cardio it will have to be on weekends. Most nights I get home around 8pm already, I would have to cut out some lifting time and idk if I can do that tbh
Looking forward to following along. The diet is the make or break for any cut.
It is actually way harder than I thought to get the macros all right and keep calories down and try to stay not hungry. When I started lifting I was 135 lbs and I've just gained since than, never really tried to lose any
Cut Log day 4 update:

-Macros: 2,329 Calories, 212G Protein, 153G Carbs, 82G fats
breakfast is the same as yesterday and is the same everyday atleast for the cut.
-4 jimmy dean turkey sausages
- 1 packet protein oatmeal
Turkey stir fry
Buffalo Chicken Cassorole and a little broccoli

Training: work ran late. Got to gym late
6:30pm- 7:45 pm

- DB Incline press | 50 lbs - 12 reps - Set lasted 1 minutes 10 seconds | 55 lbs - 8 reps - 1 minute | 60 lbs - 6 reps - 45 seconds

-Peck Deck | 115 lbs - 7 reps - set lasted 50 seconds | 115 - 8 reps - 42 seconds |

-Facepulls | 32.5 - 8 reps - 35 seconds | 32.5 - 10 reps- 43 seconds |

-Decline Cable press | 32.5 - 12 reps - 1 minute | 37.5 - 7 reps - 43 seconds |

-Tricep Press Mach | 150 lbs - 12 reps - 55 seconds | 160 lbs - 10 reps - 47 seconds

-Tricep kickback burnout drop set

-Elliptical - 15 minutes - 1 mile

My shoulder was giving me grief on Peck Deck but I just didn't push it

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