It is very difficult to increase the size legs when you are losing weight, that is why my goal for the moment is that they look worked, there is still a long way to go but in a year you can see the work..
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My quads rutine
After 10 minutes on elliptical cardio.. I start a mobility routine that take me 45 mins.. at my age I have to be serious in my hip mobility, dorsiflexion ankle and knees..
3 sets Legs extension 30 reps per set (10 holding 2 seconds on top, 10 normal and 10 more holding on top) killer start with superset with front squat 20 reps per set (10 or more (until is not possible another with complete range) ass to grass and 10 partials)
then I go to a 3 gigant sets, all sets at failure
Legs extension
sissy squat
dumbell lunges with elevated front foot
leg press with feet together
dumbbell raised heels squat
sissy squat no bench only raised heels
That is enough for me at this moment....