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SARMS HPTA issues on sarms possible?


New member
40 years old and 208 pounds
So I am currently on sarms and 8 weeks into cycle.
Got bloods done and my test and LH levels are below the range.
I’m using RAD140 and ostarine mk2866. Yes I bought it from a source on here and its they definitely working as I’m putting on some lean muscle mass I’m just concerned about my blood work.
Unfortunately I did not get precycle blood work so it’s possible my numbers could have been bad before but do you think sarms could have caused this? And how would I find out?
there is no way to find out because you failed to do what you needed to do in terms of being diligent and getting a baseline.. thats entirely on you... noone here can know what kind of effect they have had on you.. perhaps use this as a hard lesson on being careless
40 years old and 208 pounds
So I am currently on sarms and 8 weeks into cycle.
Got bloods done and my test and LH levels are below the range.
I’m using RAD140 and ostarine mk2866. Yes I bought it from a source on here and its they definitely working as I’m putting on some lean muscle mass I’m just concerned about my blood work.
Unfortunately I did not get precycle blood work so it’s possible my numbers could have been bad before but do you think sarms could have caused this? And how would I find out?
you should do PCT and youll recovery fine
tamoxifen and hcgenerate
most people don't get bloods beforehand so no sense in bashing the OP
bros going forward get blood work beforehand but don't worry that you didn't before you'll be fine
40 years old and 208 pounds
So I am currently on sarms and 8 weeks into cycle.
Got bloods done and my test and LH levels are below the range.
I’m using RAD140 and ostarine mk2866. Yes I bought it from a source on here and its they definitely working as I’m putting on some lean muscle mass I’m just concerned about my blood work.
Unfortunately I did not get precycle blood work so it’s possible my numbers could have been bad before but do you think sarms could have caused this? And how would I find out?
Vets got you
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