Hello Y'all,
Here's my 3x circuit with 5 minutes of cardio between each circuit. Focus is on my legs and glutes. For my cardio, I try to vary from time to time, but usually involves any of jump rope, outdoor sprints or stair running. That being said, below is a summary (in pix) of my workout, enjoy!
5 minute warmup

#1. Goblet Squat - 20 reps

#2. Romanian Deadlifts - 20 reps

#3. Lying Quad Extension - 20 reps

#4. Resistance Band Abductor (Left + Right Legs) - 20 reps

#5. Resistance Glute Kickbacks - 20 reps

#6. Resistance Squat + Jump - 20 reps

#7. Resistance Band Wall Sit - 60 sec

And that's that!!
Here's my 3x circuit with 5 minutes of cardio between each circuit. Focus is on my legs and glutes. For my cardio, I try to vary from time to time, but usually involves any of jump rope, outdoor sprints or stair running. That being said, below is a summary (in pix) of my workout, enjoy!
5 minute warmup

#1. Goblet Squat - 20 reps

#2. Romanian Deadlifts - 20 reps

#3. Lying Quad Extension - 20 reps

#4. Resistance Band Abductor (Left + Right Legs) - 20 reps

#5. Resistance Glute Kickbacks - 20 reps

#6. Resistance Squat + Jump - 20 reps

#7. Resistance Band Wall Sit - 60 sec

And that's that!!