with all the economic uncertainty and me being a poor college student who’s about to get into the real world pretty soon I’m looking for some supplements that I can depend on
something that can help me build muscle and something that can help me lose fat at the same time
what is a supplement...
What is your thoughts on using gw501516 and lgd4033 together?
I want to take something that would be good for my health and also boost lean muscle mass gains.
Do you think I should run 20mgs of each for 12 weeks or should I push for 16 weeks?
I’m currently 5’6” 158 lbs and 25 years old
Well I finally did it. I was doing bench n pushing for a new personal records and I felt a snap on my chest.
Ironically I actually ended up nailing the lift but afterwards I experienced swelling pretty quickly.
Went and got it checked and I definitely tore my pectoral muscle
doctor says that I’m...
I’m looking to improve my strength and get more vascularity too.
Currently training four times a week but on cycle I plan to increase the volume and go an extra day where I add in some abs and core work.
I’m 27 years old and I’m around 220 lbs and I’m 17% body fat.
I’m leaning towards...
I’m looking to boost my overall health in 2024
and 58 years old and I like to take something that you recommend that I should try
what would you say is the best overall supplement that you would recommend for me
my energy levels need to be better and I’m also looking to get better lean muscle...
Was wondering what you thought would work better for muscle gains
the choices are tribulus vs. 3,4 divanil
if you had to choose 1 of those to use as a natural testosterone booster which one would it be to help build muscle
I don’t really care about libido that’s not really the issue for me but I...
I’m currently 190 pounds and six foot two inches. I would like to put on about 15 to 20 pounds over the next few months
already got my diet on point I am consuming 500 to 1000 calorie Surplus every day
what is going to be my next step at building muscle mass.
I’m looking for help with increasing my muscle mass while having a tiny frame
I'm only 5 ft 5 and 145 lb. but I look really strong for my size and also I do have muscle but it's just lean muscle
I hope you know what I'm talking about and can guide me on a steroid cycle. I'm 28 years old and I've...
I’m 6 weeks into cycle and cutting down a lot on sarms so far. I’m really surprised
My stack is cardarine gw501516 20mgs a day
Sr9009 25mgs a day
Ostarine mk2866 50mgs a day
I’m also using epi with it (a pro hormone)
Its fine that i am cutting but i want to build more muscle
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Anadrol reduces the level of globulin while increasing red blood cells and imitating testosterone. The result is an increase in bioavailable testosterone, which the body can employ to accelerate strength and muscular growth.
Main benefits from Anadrol-
Enhance Endurance Level
I'm 26 years old and I am 187 lb at 5 ft 5. I am stocky and chubby for my height
goals are to add muscle and also cut some fat
Here is my rad140 cycle and post cycle below
RAD 40mgs EOD
GW cardarine 40mgs EOD
Clomid 100mgs per day
HCG 3000ius 2x per week
Is it possible to gain mass from gw cardarine?
I been on it for 8 weeks and i am gaining muscle believe it or not
I thought it was just for fat loss?
I got it from the sponsor here. I will say i am eating more and working out like 6x a week. Could that be the reason?
5’6’’ 155 and 30 years old
looking to gain lean muscle mass and maybe some strength along with it.
I don’t want to mess myself up or get hurt on this cycle
I decided to try testosterone with equipoise
my question is how long should I run them, what dose, and which test works best with EQ?
Would sarms help or hurt someone with an achy body
I’m 55 years old
Got some joint problems from years of construction work and lifting
I’m currently 5’8’’ and 160 pounds
Cannot put on muscle cause if i push in the gym its hard to gain
So i just got done with my napsgear cycle
It was my 2nd cycle ever
I did testosterone and equipoise
I gained 14 pounds and For the first time I can actually see abs. So i gained muscle and lost fat together
Not bad. Do you think this was a good cycle result?
What are some supplements that you can use year round that are safe to run that way?
I’m currently 21 years old and this is my first time using supplements aside from whey shakes I have drank every now and then. Looking to gain more muscle