Looking to do a stack for 4 weeks of s4/andarine and yk11
I know its short but that is all i want to try as sort of a primer to a bigger cycle later this summer
I’m gonna do 50mgs a day of the andarine s4 and yk11 i am gonna do 5 mgs a day
What kind of results can I expect on this stack? I’m currently 26, 5’5’’188 and 19% body fat
Goals are to test things out
I know its short but that is all i want to try as sort of a primer to a bigger cycle later this summer
I’m gonna do 50mgs a day of the andarine s4 and yk11 i am gonna do 5 mgs a day
What kind of results can I expect on this stack? I’m currently 26, 5’5’’188 and 19% body fat
Goals are to test things out