DAY 11 (BACK):
1. Deadlift: (2x10 warm-up sets) - 3x12 - 257Ib (1RM-322Ib)
2. Lat. Pulldowns: (2x10 warm-up sets) - 3x12 - 144Ib (1RM-180Ib)
3. DB Pullovers: 3x12 - 60Ib (1RM-76Ib)
4. Bent Over Rows: 3x12 - 145Ib (1RM-182Ib)
5. Neutral Grip: 3x12
6. Bent Over Lateral Raises: 3x12 - 31Ib (1RM-39Ib)
7. Barbell Curls: (2x10 warm-up sets) - 3x12 - 81Ib (1RM-102Ib)
8. Incline DB Curls: 3x12 - 34Ib (1RM-43Ib)
9. DB Concentration Curls: 3x12 - 38Ib (1RM-48Ib)
View attachment 2262
Daily Diet:
2,937 kcal (total)
Protein: 184g
Fat: 98g
Net Carbs: 330g
Breakfast: 665 kcal
- egg white omelette - 150g,
- ham - 70g,
- bagel - 1,
- kiwi - 2.
Lunch: 846 kcal
- chicken stir fry - 400g,
- spinach salad - 121g,
- corn - 80g,
- raw carrots - 1.412 serving (120g).
Dinner: 580 kcal
- salmon - 125g,
- lentils - 200g,
- steamed broccoli - 100g,
- raw bell peppers - 120g.
Snack: 449 kcal
- banana - 1,
- mixed nuts - 60g.
Snack: 422 kcal
- crackers and hummus - 6 crackers,
- orange - 2,
- grapes - 140g.
View attachment 2263
Day 1: Dbol warm-up cycle
Dbol: 10mg/day
*Liver protection: 500mg/day TUDCA
Blood pressure: 3g/day of Fish oil
Happy New Year mates!!