Here are my goals first off:
Lean muscle mass, endurance improvements and fat loss
Following the 365 whole food diet/evo diet
Cardio daily, i jog around my block 3x 1.25miles
Stats: 276, 5’11’’ 25% body fat. 37 years old
Used to be leaner 5 years ago, let myself go
Trying to make my comeback...
I'm a big time follower of the podcast and i need help with sarms
Working hard for the past few years but keep following short of my goals
I'm 28 years old and I am currently taking a bunch of supplements and die in training very well.
I’m tempted to try yk11 and s23 to help me bulk up fast
I’m so sick of everyone telling me what to do. Last year I made 60K and decided to blow it on a Mercedes after watching the 50 Cent movie and had to hear all about it from my father who said i should move out cause I am 21 years old now
Anyway now I want to use S23 so you can either help me or...
28 yrs old
240 pounds
I'm currently on my sarms cycle and noticing some changes to body fat and also that I'm getting lean muscle mass
it's a pretty subtle change but I know my body so well that I can see the difference in the mirror
I would say my body fat is now down to about 20% from...
just a normal dad with three kids
I'm needing a cycle that will work great for athletes, not one that will work just for bodybuilders and those who are gym rats
I'm currently doing a lot of bicycling, swimming, and kayaking. I also do martial arts a couple times a week as well. I lead a very...
Decided to go on testosterone replacement therapy at 38 years old. my testosterone levels were only in the 300s. I also noticed my performance in the bedroom was getting worse
. I’ve done the trt thing for a year
from here I would like to stack in sarms
The doctor said i could do that and is...
I’m 6 weeks into cycle and cutting down a lot on sarms so far. I’m really surprised
My stack is cardarine gw501516 20mgs a day
Sr9009 25mgs a day
Ostarine mk2866 50mgs a day
I’m also using epi with it (a pro hormone)
Its fine that i am cutting but i want to build more muscle
That's our 205 lb...
Looking to do a stack for 4 weeks of s4/andarine and yk11
I know its short but that is all i want to try as sort of a primer to a bigger cycle later this summer
I’m gonna do 50mgs a day of the andarine s4 and yk11 i am gonna do 5 mgs a day
What kind of results can I expect on this stack? I’m...
I did a lot of cardio sports for 3 years, then switched to crossfit for a year. Got tired of paying $200 a month and having the place close at 7PM every night. So i switched to a gym where my membership is only $35 a month lol. I paid the owner the full year for $300 so i’m g2g. Want to focus on...
I saw someone right that they got mk677 and ran it a year straight at 50-100mgs a day and they ended up with what they thought was organ growth
They said their heart was twice the normal size
they also said they had amazing results on it and gained about 25 pounds and got absolutely shredded.
Just want to confirm that things are correct I've done a lot of research over the past few days and I think I have everything straight
My cycle:
12 weeks rad140 10mgs, 8 weeks lgd4033 12.5mgs, 14 weeks gw cardarine 10mgs
2 bottles of each will be needed.
I'm 5 ft 6 in and I weigh 187 lb. my goal...
I did a sarms cycle for 12 weeks using rad140 20mgs a day and gw cardarine 25mgs a day
I put on a solid 5 to 10 lb on the stack and I look really good no complaints on that. also strength has gone up pretty well
however one of the problems is I've been getting tendonitis and some of my joints on...
I'm getting a lot of mixed messages when it comes to mixing steroids and sarms together in the same cycle.
hearing about receptors being clouded up and all that stuff.
I wanted to run some testosterone with rad 140 for bulking. my main objective is to keep side effects lower so I was going to do...
Hello everyone. I am A 42-year-old who has been on testosterone replacement therapy for the past 3 years. I'm currently doing a cruise of 200 mg a week of testosterone enanthate and I would like to add some sarms to it
I’m 20% body fat and 220 pounds
My plan is s4/andarine 75mgs a day with...
Someone told me that using RAD140 you should always run a test base with it
Their reasoning was this: they said sarms suppress your natural testosterone production and sarms don’t convert to estrogen so without test as a base you will not have enough estrogen production and cause toxicity in the...
I am doing 250 mg a week of sports testosterone replacement therapy thanks to my anti aging clinic
It is going well so far. I feel great!
I’m 28 years old. 5’9’’ 177 pounds
I would like to add in sarms now to help with endurance and fat loss. My anti aging clinic is 100% against sarms since they...
I had a question about taking sarms and what can i take them with
I’ve got 2 bottles of rad140 and lgd4033. 20mgs of each
I’m also gonna get some other supplements to go along with it
First off am I allowed to take it with the Whey Protein together or should you not mix them? also what other...
I’m looking to cut down to a good weight. I’m currently 5’5’’ and 260 pounds and my body fat is quite high. I’m 50 years old
I’m curious about using cardarine gw501516 or sr9009 stenabolic.
This is a really good stack for fat loss according to a lot of smart people online
How long will it take...
I'm looking to get more bulkier when it comes to more muscle mass and I'm also looking to cut down on sarms
I want to use lgd4033 and rad140. 10mgs of each
12 weeks on and 6 weeks off
I’m 30 years old and 5’10’’ and 189 pounds. My body fat is 17%
I have room to cut down but I also have room to...
This is the first time i have used s23 but heard good things
I want to try something really strong besides steroids which i am too scared to use
S23 25mgs a day is my plan but how long would you recommend? 8 weeks too short but 12 weeks too long? Should i try for 10 weeks?
26 years old
goal is...