50 years old
178 pounds
five foot ten
modest body fat probably around 15 percent
not interested in running something very aggressive just looking for a moderate sarm cycle to improve my physique and give me more energy
how does nutrobal + GW+ LGD sound for 12 weeks?
so I’ve spent some time on youtube studying sarms. I feel like I have a good grasp on how to use them. I’ve come up with 5 must do’s when it comes to using sarms and I wanted to share those with all of you fine people.
1. always use LGD + RAD, they are both the best bulking sarms out there
heard both of these are great fat burners in a stack. Not interested in GW cause of the cancer risk so don’t even recommend it please.
Would 50mgs of each per day be good? If so should I split up the dosing or just run them once a day.
I’m 245 pounds 25% body fat and I’m 23 years old
I’m in my late 20s and I’m currently 195 pounds, 17% body fat, and around 5 foot 8
use steroids for the past three years and bulked up on them using dbol and test.
This time I would like to try sarms and focus more on improving my physique.
Would GW+SR+ s4 be the dream recomp stack?
looking to run LGD solo
10 years ago I did it but can’t remember the dosage.
Got good results. This time I want to try it again.
At the time I was only 18 and didn’t really know what I was doing.
This time I am 28 and I weigh about 20 pounds more anyway I’m approximately 216 pounds and I’m six...
In this IronOverload for IO podcast your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster discuss - [2024] Cardarine (GW-501516) SARMS Revisited
What is Cardarine
Why sarms were developed
The best use for Cardarine
We deal with the cancer BS
How to dose and stack it
Link to articles...
where is that dylan dude, haven’t seen him on here in a few days and I want his help on sarms.
I’m 23 years old, 5’9’’ 188 pounds
He said on his channel that ostarine wasn’t suppressive so I want to use it in pct.
I’m coming off a tren and test cycle 500mgs each. Gained about 15 pounds. Want to...
If you had to choose between several types of sarms how would you decide what to pick for recomping?
Stats are 5’6’’ 170 pounds. 18% body fat. Need more muscle and less body fat. Simple I know but I’ve been trying to do this and I feel like I’m spinning my wheels in the gym.
Would you go with...
so I have been on a sarms stack for 6 weeks. Getting good lean muscle mass and some mild strength improvements although it’s nothing too crazy. I’ve been on gw and ostarine, doing the gw 5mgs a day (cancer scary) and ostarine 20mgs a day. Using sponsor sarms.
Anyway I came home and my wife told...
so I just came off a deca an dbol steroid cycle. Put on a lot of size and strength maybe a little too much which is making my family and co-workers very suspicious LOL. Looking to switch over to sarms now.
I’m gonna target using gw, s4 and maybe lgd on my next stack. I’m at 210 pounds and 5’9’’...
what up? I’m tired of looking average and want to improve my physique
so my goal is to look GOOD, like get a nice beach body look, so that is why I am seeking your advice on sarms
my sarms I want to use include S23, S4 and GW
would 50mgs of S4, 25mgs of S4 and GW be good for 8 weeks? I am going...
I’m looking to use sarms for some muscle mass increases
currently in my mid 40’s and not looking to get too much size, but want moderate size only
I’m training really hard, 1 hour per session and 4x per week and need some help
can you recommend either stack for me
LGD + YK11
S4 + S23
So I travel a lot for work
its by vehicle and not be airplane
however I do share a vehicle with a co-worker so I do not want to travel with steroids and rather travel with sarm which are far less conspicuous
I’m looking to use a cycle that is good for those who are on the road a lot and eating...
I’m an overweight guy and I’m looking to cut down while also holding on to my muscle mass
I know doing this will not be easy which is why I would like to use sarms
my full stats are 37 years old and I am 280 pounds
if I can lose 50 pounds that would be wonderful while also holding onto my...
so I’m coming off a trenbolone cycle. I did 500mgs a week of that with a couple other steroids
I Blasted through all-time personal records
problem is since coming off my strength has gradually been coming down
that is why I want to skip the rest of my pct and go use sarms
what would be the pros...
I ran a steroid cycle in I did not get the results I was looking for. I’m about 22 percent body fat and I finish the cycle even fatter. I’m 42 years old with a dad Bod
looking to switch over to SARMs
what do you think about doing the lgd and g.w. stack? Purely a cutting cycle and I will increase...
I've heard good things about using osatrine mk2866
now my question is when it comes to my joint issues how can I best use it?
I'm currently dealing with elbow and shoulder pain. it coincided with me increasing the amount of volume I was doing. the other day for example I did 10 sets of 10 reps...
So its a confusing title but let me explain
I was thinking of doing something cool and doing 4 weeks of sarms using 2 of them, then switching 1 out and bring another one in for 4 more weeks, then doing the same thing
So it would go like this:
4 weeks gw+rad
4 weeks GW+s4
4 weeks S4+ostarine
Looking to get back into the dating scene
Wondering if dylan can help me with this
I’m interested in grindr specifically. On there you need a 6 pack and i’ve seen people steal dylan’s pics to upload on there to get dates lol. Pretty messed up but he has the perfect body for what guys like us are...
first off my stats are 28 years old and I am 5'11 and I weigh around 217 lb
my body fat is about 20% maybe a little less
I'm not seeing enough fat loss on this cycle so I would like to change things up. I'm currently using rad140 20 mg a day and I'm also using some sr9009 with it
I would like to...