Hi! My name is JJ. I’ve been using FLASH LABS AAS solely since meeting Flash a decade ago. This is my recorded journey to 4% body fat. I started this log exactly two weeks ago on my other forums. I’ll now post the intro from two weeks ago, then just continue the log as of today:
I tend to rotate certain injects and orals in and out of my protocol while staying on testosterone propionate and nandrolone phenyl propionate year round. The NPP is for my arthritis. My arthritis is pretty severe in my elbows, hands, knees, delts, hips, all over. Nandrolone helps lubricate my body enough to allow my to workout.
I prefer all fast acting gear and daily injects. I like the kick I feel with acetate, propionate, and phenyl propionate. My current daily injects are done with a 29 gauge slin pin consisting of:
60mg test prop
30mg NPP
10mg tren ace
10mg masteron prop
I am also take HGH 3 times a day(2ius upon waking, 3ius post workout, 2ius before bed, all subQ)
I workout at home. I started doing this during the lock downs and stuck with it to save money on gasoline. My two gyms are 42 and 54 miles round trip from home. It was costing me $400 a month in gas money. Screw that!
My workout schedule is typically: Chest, arms, delts/traps, OFF DAY, legs, back, OFF DAY.
I started my cut diet last October 1st due to very high blood pressure. My bp was 175/125. My body weight was 234Lbs. I am now 190Lbs here 10 months later. My bp is usually in normal range, a bit higher than I’d like but much improved, mid 130’s over mos to upper 80’s usually.
TODAY: 08/27/2022
Today I got up early and took 2ius HGH, 50mg anavar, 50mg turinabol, 20mg Cialis, 50mg testosterone propionate, 30mg nandrolone phenyl propionate, 20mg trenbolone acetate, 10mg masteron propionate. I chewed up the orals and let the powder sit in my mouth for some sublingual absorption. I stayed fasted for an hour to get everything in my system.
Immediately preworkout I had a protein/oat shake, 2 MCT oil capsules, 2 fish oil capsules, 3 taurine capsules, 3 L-arginine tablets, 1 magnesium capsule, 1 multivitamin/mineral/fruit/veggie tablet.
Immediately post workout I took 2ius more HGH. I take a lot of nootropics daily but I’d rather not get into that unless you guys want to hear about them?
I did all supersets and giant sets without any particular order but I did all of the following in 45 minutes while putting ROBOCOP on Amazon Prime to keep me fired up. I am very angry and going through a lot so I’m extremely fired up regardless due to my mom being in the hospital most likely dying. I had to get up early and train hard so I don’t lose it! I fear I could snap sometimes.
4 to 6 sets of all of the following:
Meal #4 was 10 egg whites nuked, salsa, and 2 slices of Dave’s 21 grain/seed toast.

Today’s Selfie pic:

I tend to rotate certain injects and orals in and out of my protocol while staying on testosterone propionate and nandrolone phenyl propionate year round. The NPP is for my arthritis. My arthritis is pretty severe in my elbows, hands, knees, delts, hips, all over. Nandrolone helps lubricate my body enough to allow my to workout.
I prefer all fast acting gear and daily injects. I like the kick I feel with acetate, propionate, and phenyl propionate. My current daily injects are done with a 29 gauge slin pin consisting of:
60mg test prop
30mg NPP
10mg tren ace
10mg masteron prop
I am also take HGH 3 times a day(2ius upon waking, 3ius post workout, 2ius before bed, all subQ)
I workout at home. I started doing this during the lock downs and stuck with it to save money on gasoline. My two gyms are 42 and 54 miles round trip from home. It was costing me $400 a month in gas money. Screw that!
My workout schedule is typically: Chest, arms, delts/traps, OFF DAY, legs, back, OFF DAY.
I started my cut diet last October 1st due to very high blood pressure. My bp was 175/125. My body weight was 234Lbs. I am now 190Lbs here 10 months later. My bp is usually in normal range, a bit higher than I’d like but much improved, mid 130’s over mos to upper 80’s usually.
TODAY: 08/27/2022
Today I got up early and took 2ius HGH, 50mg anavar, 50mg turinabol, 20mg Cialis, 50mg testosterone propionate, 30mg nandrolone phenyl propionate, 20mg trenbolone acetate, 10mg masteron propionate. I chewed up the orals and let the powder sit in my mouth for some sublingual absorption. I stayed fasted for an hour to get everything in my system.
Immediately preworkout I had a protein/oat shake, 2 MCT oil capsules, 2 fish oil capsules, 3 taurine capsules, 3 L-arginine tablets, 1 magnesium capsule, 1 multivitamin/mineral/fruit/veggie tablet.
Immediately post workout I took 2ius more HGH. I take a lot of nootropics daily but I’d rather not get into that unless you guys want to hear about them?
I did all supersets and giant sets without any particular order but I did all of the following in 45 minutes while putting ROBOCOP on Amazon Prime to keep me fired up. I am very angry and going through a lot so I’m extremely fired up regardless due to my mom being in the hospital most likely dying. I had to get up early and train hard so I don’t lose it! I fear I could snap sometimes.
4 to 6 sets of all of the following:
- alternating dumbbell curls
- Dumbbell hammer curls
- Barbell drag curls
- Alternating band curls seated
- Reverse band curls standing
- Band curls standing
- dumbbell kick backs
- Barbell skull crushers
- Narrow grip barbell chest press
- One arm reverse grip pushdowns
- One arm overhand pushdowns
- One arm hammer grip pushdowns
- Rope pushdowns torquing the wrists outward at the bottom
Meal #4 was 10 egg whites nuked, salsa, and 2 slices of Dave’s 21 grain/seed toast.

Today’s Selfie pic: