Hey guys first post here!
Previous cycle ended at 150 deca, 200 mast, 200 test.
180 lb. body weight 9-10% bf 29 years old ran gear for 7 years
So been on TRT for over two years now. I’ve ran test deca mast cycle 6 months ago and want to run another one. Looking for dosage advice please. Plenty of test deca and mast on hand for 12 week cycle. Looking to put on 5-10 lbs and PR the big three. I do have issues with hair loss but I know that comes with the territory but it is a consideration. Looking to use the Mast as an estrogen control compound. I get along fairly well with all three compounds btw. Just need some ratio advice and some insight from someone with experience so I don’t fuck my self up with ratios and higher dosages if it comes to that.
Feel free to drop some dosage advice!!