Hey guys first post here!
Previous cycle ended at 150 deca, 200 mast, 200 test.
180 lb. body weight 9-10% bf 29 years old ran gear for 7 years
So been on TRT for over two years now. I’ve ran test deca mast cycle 6 months ago and want to run another one. Looking for dosage advice please. Plenty of test deca and mast on hand for 12 week cycle. Looking to put on 5-10 lbs and PR the big three. I do have issues with hair loss but I know that comes with the territory but it is a consideration. Looking to use the Mast as an estrogen control compound. I get along fairly well with all three compounds btw. Just need some ratio advice and some insight from someone with experience so I don’t fuck my self up with ratios and higher dosages if it comes to that.
Feel free to drop some dosage advice!!
Was thinking for this cycle….
200 test
150 deca
400 mast
150 test
300 deca
200-400 mast
@jhicks530 welcome to the IO family bro
trt is best start to blast after for sure
on your cycle you got great low bodyfat nice
but you know to really recommend you gear we need to know more about you and your TRT log a bit
can you share with the IO family please? and we will guide you into a good cycle
how to share?
start a new thread with your LOG journal share some TRT info training diet and history and we guide you into a good blast
how to
To really guide you we need more info, we need you to share your diet, training, cardio, sleep, supplements etc log with us in a NEW thread, full log journal so our guidance is based on facts you provide.
We have 100s of years of experience between us,
you need to post a LOG Journal with your stats (weight,height,age, years training, cycle history) diet, training, cardio, supplement, sleep details. If you don't log what you eat or train now, open NOTES on phone and start recording it there and paste here. Very easy.
Please post a Log Journal asap for us
Please click the anabolic forum
Discuss Anabolic Androgenic Steroids - also known as AAS
top RIGHT (orange color button) you see: +POST THREAD
click that
in Title: write your cycle name, like> My _____ Cycle Log
___ = the name of your log
example: My TRT cycle Log
in body: write your planned cycle or cycle you doing now, your diet, training and we will help you along on your cycle
here are examples of LOG Journals
Monday Heck of a workout. Tried out the newly arrived Cerebus Extreme knee wraps - super stiff. Bitch to put on but judge for yourself the difference they made Hatfield Squat bar x 8 reps, 100kg/220lbs x 8 reps, 180kg/396lbs x 6 reps, 270kg/594lbs x 4 reps Leg Press 232kg x 8 reps, 432kg x 8...
Hello everyone as many of you can tell it's about that time again for another log by me. I will not be pinning right away with my log I will be giving myself some more time before that happens, in the meantime I will be starting my 16 week diet for the log, with that said I figured I would post...
Hello everyone I hope all of you are well. As the title suggests this will be my Domestic Supply recovery log utilizing HGH & BPC157. First of all huge thank you is in order for Greg helping me make this recovery log possible and getting the products out faster than an Amazon prime order. The...
Hello, Alright, so here's the breakdown: Stats: S: Male Age: 30 years Height: 6 foot (182.88 cm) Weight: 182 pounds (82.55 kg) Body Fat: approx. 10% AAS cycle (bulk): I'll start with a 5 week Dbol warm-up cycle, then progress to a beginner cycle all-things-being-equal. I'm still waiting...
Currently training for the 2024 ifbb season A and thought I’d share the experience with you fellas. I weigh 93.5kgs fasted as of this morning I’m 180cm tall 27 years old Taking 200mgs of test E and 140mgs mast E pw split up into M,W,F,S shots My calories are at 3647 this week with a macros...
Hey guys you might know me as fatboy999 on evo or fattie999 on other forums haha. I'm 6.5 weeks into my rip cycle atm and im hoping to finish it strong haha. Heres some before and after pics. Not the greatest physique but im working on it, hopefully half as good as you guys someday. Started...
my measure: age 44y 180 cm 85 kg, now in bulk phase Training Routine: I have divided my training routine into specific muscle groups to ensure comprehensive development. Each muscle group will be trained twice a week, with a focus on compound exercises and progressive overload. Week : Day 1...
I have 1 year on TRT (53 y/o) just Pharma grade Test Enanthate (PRIMOTESTON BAYER 250MG/AMP) 125mg every 5 to 7 days, no antistrogen, no HGH yet, lost 22 lbs kept muscle About training, nothing complicated Bro, just push day - quads & calves day, day off (abs), Pull day - Hams & calves day...
Hi big boys, today first injection Primobolan Depot - 1 ml Breakfast with 400 ml egg white and 140 gr rice. Slowly over the next few weeks, while the primo kick-in, I will increase the daily carbohydrate intake. From today the new training begins. meanwhile I'm waiting for my last order...
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