Been advised to do a Log Journal, first time so here goes!
180 Lbs. 5'7" 29 Years Old, been training seriously for 12 years, 7 years on gear, 2 years on TRT @180/week, Used test, EQ, Deca, Mast, Primo, Anavar. Last cycle 6 months ago @ 200 test, 150 Deca, 200 Mast, I got strong and a LITTLE bigger, kept some of the gains and definitely kept some of the strength gains, but I'd like to get more out of next cycle. I trained CrossFit since 2018, currently do powerbuilidng style lifting, ie heavy on big three and pump work on accessories. I do cardio, HIIT style ie intervals on assault bike, jump rope, also do zone 2 cardio ie walking, jog, stair master 2-3x/ week. Been taking 5mg Cialis daily (almost out of that) 5,000 iu vitamin D, occasional fish oil, I also take Kratom... I take 200mcg of Glutathione 4x/week daily. Never tracked my diet consistently but I eat mostly Whole Foods, some junk for extra calories, probably around 3,000 calories for an educated guess. Sleep, I take trazodone (I know probably not the best lol) and also take melatonin @ 9-12 mg @ night. average 7-9 hours, usually wake once at night with trouble getting back to sleep, sometimes takes an hour or so. I'm a Firefighter so night calls fucks up my circadian rhythm but I do practice good sleep hygiene (or try to mostly, we know how that goes right?!) Current big three lifts, 455 Deadlift, 360 Back Squat, 315X3 Flat Bench Press.
Starting a new blast as of yesterday. Thinking 100-200 Test, 150-300 Deca, 200-400 Masteron. Looking for advice on dosage Please. Feel free to DM I really want to take this blast serious, more serious than I have in the past.
Goals are 5-10 lb body weight gain, Strength gain in big three, all while staying relatively healthy-ish.
Bloods all looked fairly healthy on last blast, Lipids a little out of whack but Doc said not too concerning. I did have some back acne issues, but no estrogen or prolactin sides really, just wanted to fuck everything that walked haha.
Never taken pics really before sorry for the full frontal nut shot but whatever haha.

180 Lbs. 5'7" 29 Years Old, been training seriously for 12 years, 7 years on gear, 2 years on TRT @180/week, Used test, EQ, Deca, Mast, Primo, Anavar. Last cycle 6 months ago @ 200 test, 150 Deca, 200 Mast, I got strong and a LITTLE bigger, kept some of the gains and definitely kept some of the strength gains, but I'd like to get more out of next cycle. I trained CrossFit since 2018, currently do powerbuilidng style lifting, ie heavy on big three and pump work on accessories. I do cardio, HIIT style ie intervals on assault bike, jump rope, also do zone 2 cardio ie walking, jog, stair master 2-3x/ week. Been taking 5mg Cialis daily (almost out of that) 5,000 iu vitamin D, occasional fish oil, I also take Kratom... I take 200mcg of Glutathione 4x/week daily. Never tracked my diet consistently but I eat mostly Whole Foods, some junk for extra calories, probably around 3,000 calories for an educated guess. Sleep, I take trazodone (I know probably not the best lol) and also take melatonin @ 9-12 mg @ night. average 7-9 hours, usually wake once at night with trouble getting back to sleep, sometimes takes an hour or so. I'm a Firefighter so night calls fucks up my circadian rhythm but I do practice good sleep hygiene (or try to mostly, we know how that goes right?!) Current big three lifts, 455 Deadlift, 360 Back Squat, 315X3 Flat Bench Press.
Starting a new blast as of yesterday. Thinking 100-200 Test, 150-300 Deca, 200-400 Masteron. Looking for advice on dosage Please. Feel free to DM I really want to take this blast serious, more serious than I have in the past.
Goals are 5-10 lb body weight gain, Strength gain in big three, all while staying relatively healthy-ish.
Bloods all looked fairly healthy on last blast, Lipids a little out of whack but Doc said not too concerning. I did have some back acne issues, but no estrogen or prolactin sides really, just wanted to fuck everything that walked haha.
Never taken pics really before sorry for the full frontal nut shot but whatever haha.