I’m looking for overall mood and energy enhancements using sarms.
Basically I trained 3 or 4 times a week by my energy just isn’t there especially when I’m at the gym or when I wake up in the morning.
How would you recommend mixing viagra and sarms to accomplish this?
I’m 38 years old and I’m...
had a question I don’t wave very much I have very tiny Bone structure
I’ve got Dutch genetics and a lot of us are like this. I’m 5’7” and I’m only about 130 lbs but I look like I’m bigger you wouldn’t believe it if you saw me.
Long story short I would like to put on about 20 lbs and I’m 22 years...
Looking for a good endurance and recomping stack. I’ve used both gw501516 and s4 andarine in the past separately but never together.
This time would like to run them for a 12 week cycle.
I’m 38 years old and I’m 6 ft tall and I’m 185 lbs
Its gonna be a good stack I think for my goals and stats...
I am 53 years old and I currently got deep into the gym and it’s been a real fun ride however my recovery is very slow compared to some of the other people that I train with
that’s why I’m looking to add some sarms to my arsenal. I’m eating 2800 calories per day and I weigh around 170 lbs I...
I’m looking to tweak some things with my next sarm cycle
currently 26 years old and trying to add lean muscle mass.
The 2 sarms I am most interested in are gw501516, rad140 and maybe lgd?
How would you use them to my advantage considering I’m 138 lbs and I’m 5’7”.
should I increase the dosing to...
Have not used S4 in a long time it’s been probably 10 years believe it or not I think I was probably the first person to ever use it lol.
Back then we would routinely run at least 75 mg and even 125 mg a day and we’d have good results although we would pretty much be blind as a bat on this...
I’m looking to run sarms for 10 weeks. 12 weeks seems too long and 8 weeks seems like too little. I would like to run something in between that.
The 3 sarms I was Targeting are lgd, rad, and s4/andarine
looking to lean bulk I’m currently 170 lbs and 5’11”
what would you recommend for me to dose...
so I played several different sports including swimming, bicycling, tennis, and basketball and I also play soccer sometimes as well but just not in a league.
I’m looking to get an overall boost in my athletic performance and that’s why I’m seeking sarms at 40 years old.
I’m 158 lbs and I’m...
I need a quick sarm stack I’m about to take a vacation to Aruba and it’s going to be for a wedding and I’ll be there for about a week
need to know what I can do in terms of taking something for my stack to get the best Beachbody possible
my initial thoughts were gw501516 and ostarine mk2866. But...
I am an older lady who is looking to date younger men. I usually go on dating websites and pretend I am 35 lol. Then I hook up with younger guys its fun. I’ve got some loose skin and want to tighten things up with sarms.
Which sarms would you recommend for me?
I’m 5’4’’ and 185 pounds, a bit...
This one is a little weird and embarrassing but ever since I started using sarms I can’t blow my load anymore.
Do you think this has anything to do with the hormones changing in my body?
I’m 22 years old, my gf has a nice ass and everything when I bang her but nothing comes out lol. I like come...
I’m definitely looking to cut down I’m currently around 14 or 15% body fat I weigh around 216 lbs and I’m 5’9”
currently getting around 2200 calories I’m going to drop that closer to 1500
would like to get under 10% realistically in a 12 week sarm stack how can I get that done?
My initial...
so I have a love/hate relationship with sarms. They are good for some things but bad for some other things. My list is simple.
Good: low sides
bad: messes with vision
good: doesn’t shut you down
bad: suppressive depending on what you use
good: no estrogen issues
bad: can cause gyno if used...
curious how I can use both lgd4033 and gw cardarine for max benefits on my next cycle.
Right now I am 24 years old and I am a year out of graduate school and really picking up my weight training
my goal is to train five times a week and I’m 218 lbs and my goal is to lose weight
do you think that...
I’m 180 lbs and 5’7” 28 years old
my last steroid cycle I put on about 10 pounds but the side effects were pretty brutal
this time I want to run a sarm stack before I start planting my next steroid cycle
something with low side effects
my initial Instinct was to go with gw501516 and then stack...
23 years old I’m around 185 lbs and 6 ft tall
I have a vacation coming up in 5 weeks so I like to run a 4 week stack of sarms ahead of it to get in really good shape and conditioning
it’s going to be a Beach vacation so I don’t want to look too bad and it will be at a nude resort in Jamaica...
I’m currently 245 lbs and I’m 5’8” I can definitely afford to lose some body fat but I want to make sure I hold on to my muscle and my strength in the process
what would you recommend that I use in terms of sarms?
A friend of mine said that I should use GW501516 and Sr9009 together
those are two...
I’m still holding a lot of body fat around my stomach even though I’ve cut down about 5% so far over the past year or two.
I’m currently around 15% body fat and I’m 185 lbs.
Do you think that GW would stack well for me and how much do you recommend that I do this is the first time I’ve ever even...
I just finished the 16 week cycle using testosterone 500 mg a week and I blew up about 12 lbs and I gained a lot of strength which I’m looking to keep the most possible.
I’m currently 30 years old and 225 pounds
what is the best sarms stack to use as a bridge?
My initial thoughts are going with...
looking to do some sarms for a fall cut.
My plan is this:
500 cal deficit
increasing protein 25g, decreasing carbs and fat intake. Following 50/35/5 setup with macros.
Sarms to use:
sr9009 25mgs a day, ostarine mk2866 20mgs a day and maybe some s4 50mgs a day as icing on the cake
I’m 21, 5’10’’...