I see a lot of guys online doing sarms and they post up some before and after pictures and they have some good recomposition reviews
I would like to do the same thing but I would like to mold something that would fit what I’m looking for
first off I’ve only been training in the gym about 9...
this is gonna be my first cycle in years. I want to run something short for about 8 weeks.
Ready to go with tbol 30mgs a day and test prop for 8 weeks at 250mgs a week total split dosing.
My stats are 5’9’’ and 180 pounds with 15% body fat. And I’m 30 years old.
My question is should I stack...
I’ve got 3 vials of mast prop on hand.
I’m 33 years old and I’m approximately 205 lbs and 6’2” and 12% body fat
Currently doing tren ace and anavar and I’m on week 10. results have been very good. I’m getting leaner and I’m getting more muscular. Oh I would say my recomposition has gone better...
I was doing some peeking online on reddit and facebook and it seems like the #1 stack right now for recomp is GW501516 and nutrobal mk677
they are using 30mgs a day of GW and 50mgs a day nutrobal
should I run this for 25 weeks to get the most out of it?
I’m 5’7’’ and 220 pounds and 25% body fat.
Looking to do a recomposition and cutting stack for the next 8 weeks
I’m currently 6 ft tall 192 lbs and around 16% body fat, and 37 years old
What do you think about going with Winstrol and test prop for just the 8 weeks?
My ghosting I was thinking about was using the testosterone at 250 per...
I’m looking to do a recomposition where I’m gaining some muscle and losing fat at the same time
my stats are 26 years old I’ve been training for about 3 years and I’m around 228 lbs
A friend of mine suggested for different sarms that he recommended for me
which ones from below should I be using...
I talked to a buddy of mine who’s a real Meathead
he is not a particular fan of Primo but he said if I’m going to use it I should load it. He wants me to run 1000mgs the first 2 weeks then I can drop the dose down to 400 or 500mgs.
So it would be weeks 1-2 1000mgs
then weeks 3-12 500mgs a week...
currently in my early 30’s and I’m 209 pounds and 14% body fat. Looking to recomp/lean bulk
haven’t seen this stack in a long time talked about
wanted to try it out. I’ve used these steroids but separately, never together.
Equipoise 500mgs a week
test cyp 250mgs a week
dbol 25mgs a day
12 weeks...
23 years old and I’m 220 lbs and about 20% body fat.
Goals are to recomp
So far I’m on gw501516 20mg a day
lgd4033 25mgs a day.
It’s been about 3 weeks and I’ve got a couple s23’s sitting here I’m itching to use.
I’m looking to add s23 to this current sarms stack
what do you think about adding...
hearing a lot of good things on AC-262 and would like to stack in some gw501516 with it.
The main thing is I want to recomp
I’m sitting at six foot tall and 205 pounds but my body fat is at 18%.
I don’t hold much muscle on my frame compared to other people who are my size as I’m more blocky in...
Currently at 193 pounds and I started the cycle around 187 pounds I’ve also been dropping body fat during this stack run.
I’m looking to finish a successful recomp that I have been focusing on.
Its been 9 weeks on and I have 3 weeks left and want to tinker with things. My fat loss and muscle...
Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #72 - Recomp and Get Lean with Pharmaqo Labs
I’m in my late 20s and I’m currently 195 pounds, 17% body fat, and around 5 foot 8
use steroids for the past three years and bulked up on them using dbol and test.
This time I would like to try sarms and focus more on improving my physique.
Would GW+SR+ s4 be the dream recomp stack?
what is the best way to run equipoise if I want the best results?
I’m looking to try 500mgs a week of it
gonna stack with testosterone 250mgs a week test cyp
12 week cycle of it. But not sure if 500mgs is the right dose or should I go higher? Seen a dude online who was running it 1000mgs a...
Gonna setup my next sarms stack and wanted some feedback from the good men of this forum
Looking at using 3 sarms
Yk11 10mgs a day 12 weeks
Sr9009 20mgs a day 6 weeks
GW cardarine next 6 weeks.
Cycle will be used for cutting and recomp.
I'm training currently five times a week do you think I can...
Just was wondering what you guys thought about the GP bold 300 stacked with GP andromix 150?
my goals are going to be lean muscle mass and also recomposition
I'm 50 years old and I weigh 207 lb and I'm 6'3 my body fat is around 14%
I know it's a lot to run for steroids but I have a lot of...
I am going to try to recomp, i enjoy the challenge of bodybuilding
I have been training hard for the past 10 years and I have used steroids for the past 2 years. my current goals are to put on more muscle mass and lose body fat at the same time
I have an 8-week cycle planned
trenbolone acetate...
Hey, i’m 32 years old
175 pounds
16% body fat
Want to recomp a bit here
I’m gonna be using:
s4/andarine 50mgs a day
Lgd4033 30mgs a day
Gw cardarine 20mgs a day
Anything else?
I’m a short stocky guy. Hadi Choopan height but don’t quite have his genetics
which steroid stack would work best for recomp considering I am 12% and want to get down to 8%
I know trenbolone is numero uno. Should I start out with 400mgs as my base and then start adding in equipoise and anavar...
I’m gonna be using this sarms stack
Lgd4033 20mgs a day
Yk11 10mgs a day
Sr9009 30mgs a day
Goal is recomp and fat loss and endurance. Anything you would add or take out of the stack?
5’10’’ 189 pounds 30 years old