My goals are bulking then quick recovery after workouts I plan on training 6 or 7 times a week during this run.
I’m 28 years old and I’m 5’10” 178 lbs
I’m looking to do sarms for the next 8 weeks and do a quick stack.
Its gonna be 4 weeks of lgd and rad. 10Mgs of each
Then 4 weeks after of ostarine and nutrobal. 25Mgs of each
what do you think about doing it like this?
I’m 28 years old and I’m 5’10” 178 lbs
I’m looking to do sarms for the next 8 weeks and do a quick stack.
Its gonna be 4 weeks of lgd and rad. 10Mgs of each
Then 4 weeks after of ostarine and nutrobal. 25Mgs of each
what do you think about doing it like this?