me and my wife are now dedicated to workout together
we are going 4-5x per week and pushing each other
which supplements can we both use together that won’t cause any issues
I currently am training 4-5 x per week
I’m in my late 30’s
I just don’t feel the same as i used to when i was younger
What sort of supplements can give me an extra boost to get me going again like i was when i was in my 20s?
First time using sarms
The guy at the supp store said i should try 1 sarm only
He suggested either lgd4033 or rad140
I’m 22 years old
140 pounds
Been training for 2 months
Which one is best?
I have been training for the past six years and am a male. my husband is new to weight training
I am 42 years old and my husband is 40 years old
I'm 6 ft 1 and 226 lb 15% body fat. I’m used steroids many times and this is my 2nd time using sarms
My husband is 5’11’’ and 205 with 20% body fat
I want to hear an honest assessment of how many of you on here are using multivitamins.
I'd never use them before and I don't feel like I've ever needed to use them
however now I am training at least five times a week and I'm worried that my body isn't getting enough nutrition from my diet
I'm looking to get on the 2 best sarms that are out in 2022
Don’t care how much they cost
Just need to know what they are and where to get them and how to use them
Willing to spend money to get real results
I’m 22 years old
177 pounds
Been training for 8 weeks