what are the best supplements that you would recommend for someone who is into mixed martial arts and fighting
I'm 158 lb and want to stay in my current weight class so don't suggest anything where I will gain a lot of weight
Anyone try this pack someone potency thermogenic by Alpha Lion
it's designed to help you burn fat
it cost $150 for three bottles
I'm desperate to lose fat and willing to give it a shot if you think it's good
I am finishing up my cycle and did not use any sort of liver aid
I was wondering if I would be okay and if I could start using it now would it do me any good.
or is it too late to start taking one and which one do you suggest
What are the best over-the-counter supplements that will make me anabolic so I can easily grow muscle and lose fat at the same time?
I'm currently in my early twenties and I need to get into shape quick
I'm looking for the best kidney support product that is out there
my kidneys are not in the best of shape
I would like to take something that's not too expensive
What are the best supplements to take in between Cycles
I just finished a steroid cycle which was about 15 weeks. I'm taking about 14 weeks off and then I'll go back on another 12 week cycle.
I was wondering for someone who trains 3x per week which is the best supplements I can use all year
for best results?
I’m currently in my early 20’s and have a limited budget
I'm burning fat too slow on my current diet
I would like to possibly add a supplement to help me burn fat quicker. I'm currently around 230 lb and won't like to get under 200 do you have any suggestions
I was wondering if you guys used supplements all the time
like if I walked into your house would I see a bunch of supplements sitting on the table
if so what are some of your favorites that you are using
I went from skinny to fat back too skinny and then now I'm getting fat again
my diet hasn't really changed but I think I need to take something to maybe boost my metabolism a little bit. Do you have any recommendations
me and my wife are now dedicated to workout together
we are going 4-5x per week and pushing each other
which supplements can we both use together that won’t cause any issues
I’m a skinny guy and want to build up some of my size quickly
how do I do that?
I’m currently 5’10’’ and 134 pounds. 21 years old
I’m sure some of you can recommend maybe a weight gainer so I can put on size
If I run a steroid cycle which includes BOTH orals and injectables for example
when am I supposed to schedule my dosages of liver support
I heard/read you should dose them together but not sure if that is true
My friend called me and said that Primal muscle was giving away a $200 stack for just $59
seems like one heck of a deal. it's 3 products micronized creatine, 191xt, and Primal boost
They claim the xt is banned by the NFL
is this a good deal or should I keep shopping?
my balls shrink last cycle in my girlfriend is making fun of me everyday
they never came back to their proper size.
I would say they shrunk about 90% and only came back to 50%. She misses sucking on them
can you give me a supplement that will boost them back 200%
Does anyone ever add things like whey protein powder or creatine to your foods?
Let’s say i am making pancakes or cookies
And i sprinkle in a few tablespoons. Will this help me or not make a difference?
I've been diagnosed with something called muscular dystrophy and my doctor has me on medication for it
he also said that I was welcome to take some supplements that help with muscle wasting as well as part of my regiment. He only asked that they be Legal and safe
can you give me some supplements...
can anyone give me a number as to how many grams of BCAA’s i need to take?
Also looking online I came across a brand called muscle pharm
it comes in a tub and it's watermelon flavor. Do you think it's a good one
What are the best multi vitamins on the market today?
Which company that sells supplements has the best one?
How much should I be using every day or every week?