this is my third cycle and I want to try 3 different mild steroids together
I’ve kind of narrowed it down to anavar, tbol, equipoise, primobolan and testosterone as my choices
which of those three Can I stack together and what kind of dosing would work good?
I'm 32 years old
6 ft tall and 207 lb
I want to run a steroid cycle but I don't want to get kicked off TRT either
I’m only 28 and my doctor agree to get me a script only if I promise not to use steroids cuz he is against them
is there a trick to being able to fool my doctor so he doesn't know that I'm using them?
I’m looking to maximize primobolan but also realize its a pricey steroid
What is the max dosage i can use it?
Want lean gains
I’m 5’7’’ 166 pounds and 11% body fat, 44 years old
My goals are bulking and strength
I am interested in testosterone cypionate and dianabol dbol
Will the test 500mgs be good with dbol 30mgs a day?
I’m 5’8’’ and 156 pounds 12% body fat and 28
I want to try winstrol early on in my cycle, but the more i research the more it makes sense to use it towards the end to finish things off. Does this make sense?
My plan is 50mgs a day
I want to use testosterone and equipoise with it too.
33 yrs
183 pounds
I’m 6’3’’ 217 pounds. 15%
I tend to fluctuate my weight up and down a lot based on my diet
What is the best thing for me to use in terms of steroids?
Should i go with equipoise or primobolan? I’m 40 years old and haven’t used steroids in about 6 years
I’m very lean. 8-9% body fat and 165 pounds at 5’11’’ but i am pretty muscular
Its lean muscle on my frame, i will upload a pic next week if i can figure it out
Anyway i’m gonna try steroids for the first time. In my late 20’s
500mgs testosterone cypionate seems to be the consensus
But i want to...
Looking to try anadrol this time
Never used it
Someone told me they are called A-bombs, any reason for that ?
50mgs a day is what my friend took
I’m 6’1’’ 210 pounds and looking to bulk up
I want to cruise on sarms after my steroid cycle
I’m doing 500mgs test and 200mgs trenbolone 12 weeks
then I was thinking of cruising on ostarine 2866 and gw501516 for another 12 weeks
is this a good plan?
I’m 28 years old and 5’5’’ 187lb
I’m an overall athlete who likes to play sports. I play soccer, tennis and do a lot of bicycling
which steroids would work best for me here?
I’m not on TRT yet but have considered it to help with overall performance.
I’m 5’11’’ 182 pounds and 44 years old
I'm going to be competing in a triathlon in the spring
I am going to start training for it over the next few months
some of the guys that I trained with take PED’s including sarms
They mentioned some names but i wanted to see what you all had to say before i listened to them
a triathlon involves...
my next check is going to be equipoise 700 mg is a week
my last cycle I did 500 mg a week that I had good results I feel like I can add more though this time
what is the best thing to start with it if you had to choose between testosterone and trenbolone?
My goal is bulking
I’m currently 6 ft 1...
I'm currently doing 600 mg a week of testosterone cypionate
I'm also running adex with it around 1-2mg per week
I started out at 230 lb and 6 ft tall. Body fat is around 18%
my blood pressure was normal in my heart rate was around 70 resting
on cycle my heart rate is now about 85 in my blood...
I'm looking to run a steroid cycle but I want to mix all 3 steroids in one syringe
My 3 steroids are:
Testo cypionate
Deca durabolin
I don't see any mixes that are sold out there so I want to mix it myself.
I know there is a lot of people that say mixing to steroids in the same...
6’ tall and 76kg
never even thought about using steroids before. But a couple of my friends are using them so thought I would give them a shot
My plan is simple:
250mgs testosterone per week
Should i use enanthate or cypionate?
And how long should i run them?
So this is my first time using steroids but i have been on trt for 2 years
I’m currently 44 years old
I'm 5 ft 8 in in 206 lb
my body fat is probably 20%
How do i use steroids in this situation without my doctor finding out and kicking me off trt?
I am quitting steroids, long story but this will be my last but wife doesn’t want me using anymore cause we want a kid
I’m 38 years old and my wife is 22 so she wants a baby
My full stats are 15% body fat and 214 pounds 6’3’’
I want to run a cycle that is smart and won’t screw up my fertility...
I know it's there was you should change up what you use as you get older but has the same thing apply to sarms?
I’m now 40 but have been training for the past 15 years
When i was 25 i used steroids and did them for like 10 years
I’m up to 188 pounds and 5’6’’. 13% body fat
Looking to get more size
Hey guys wanted some advice on first cycle
I’m on 100mgs twice a week for my TRT protocol hcg plus estrogen support via my clinic
Wanted to add a compound
Nutrition and work out routine are in check
What are your thoughts on first cycle to really shred and grow some muscle
1000mgs of gear total
How would you best structure a cycle if you were to run actual gear and get to around that #?
I’m 5’6’’ 172 pounds and 27 years old
My goal here is to clean bulk and get stronger
I’ve ran pro hormones and sarms only, never steroids that were real