what is the best stack for using rad and gw together in terms of dosing and length?
Want to build quality muscle mass.
I’m 5’7’’ and 185 pounds, 17% body fat
I came down to 2 options
rad 20mgs
GW 30mgs
12 weeks
RAD 10mgs
GW 20mgs
16 weeks
I gotta account for how much I get and use as well.
looking to do a simple 8 week stack using sr9009 and rad140.
What are going to be the best way to run these if I do 25mgs total per day?
I want to run them together
I’m currently in my mid-twenties and I’m looking to put on some muscle but I also don’t want to ruin my endurance either
I’m 158...
hi I’m 52 years old and I’m around 160 lbs and I’m 5’8”
my goal is to put on some moderate muscle mass and get stronger
looking to do a rad140 and nutrobal cycle mix.
Going to go with 30mgs of RAD and 20mgs of nutrobal for 20 weeks
do you think that this will be good or should I switch it out...
I’m 5 10 and I’m approximately 185 lbs with a moderate build around 18% body fat and I’m 25 years old
I’m looking to use sarms for the 2nd time and use 3 sarms at a time.
The first time I use them I think I use fake SARS so I don’t even consider that a real cycl
this time I want to get...
22 years old and this is the first time I’ve ever used anything like this
my stats are 178 lbs and I’m 5’7” my body fat is around 15% maybe a little more
Wondering how legit is rad140 and lgd4033 together as a stack for lean bulking and cutting.
I plan on doing fasted cardio daily and taking in...
156 pounds and 5’11’’ and I’m 22 years old.
I’m looking to bulk up. No more mr. nice guy lol.
This is why rad140 seems like a good one to me. 12 weeks and 50mgs a day any good?
Would you recommend this for 12 weeks or should I push it to 16 weeks?
Looking to do a mild lean bulker and I’m choosing sarms to keep side effects at a minimum.
I’m five foot ten and I’m 217 pounds and I’m around 20% body fat.
My plan is 12 weeks of both but I want to keep the ostarine another 4 weeks on top of that.
I’m gonna do the RAD 20mgs a day with ostarine...
I’m 215 pounds and I’m eating currently 3,700 calories a day and getting around 250 grams of protein or more
I’m 28 years old
I’m looking to use rad140 to get the best benefits of lean muscle mass. My plan is this:
rad140 25mgs a day
gw501516 cardarine 30mgs a day
yk11 15mgs a day
8 weeks would...
Been doing a lot of research on sarms lately and it seems like rad140 is the perfect one for the goals that I’m trying to reach which is lean bulking.
Just want to try it by itself to see what its capable of doing for me.
What would be the best dosage though?
I was thinking 10mgs for 12 weeks...
I’m confused as to the difference between rad140 and lgd4033
They both on paper look very similar
Both are sarms
Both are used for bulking
Both are good for lean muscle mass
But overall which one is more effective mg per mg?
If i did 10mgs of one of them what would be the difference and if i did...
I'm interested in trying out rad 140 for the first time
currently 28 years old
5’10’’ 155. Looking to bulk
Never use any sort of performance-enhancing compound
would I be able to use rad140 with something else at 30mgs a day?
My plan is to gain 12 pounds in 12 weeks
I am gonna double up my calories from 2500 to 5000 calories
I’m 5’6’’ 144 pounds and 7% body fat. 22 years old
I want to try
All together for 12 weeks. What dosages would be best?
55 years old
5’5’’ 165 pounds
15% body fat
I’m using RAD and LGD together this time
I want to start out doing 5mgs per day but then ramp up the dose.
how high can I run them? I want to build mass
I’m thinking of logging my next sarms run
I’m 5’5’’ 174 pounds
18% body fat
25 years old
I’m gonna do rad140. 50mgs per day for 20 weeks
the cycle is going to be pretty expensive but I want to see how much results I can get. My friend ran the same thing and had really good results
Check out my future cycle and tell me if i am doing it right
I want to build size
YK11: 10mgs a day
RAD140: 20mgs a day
I'm currently 5 ft 7 in 128 pounds in 21 years old
I have been training for about 3 weeks