I was listening to a sarms Guru on social media and he was saying that you should always dose sarms every other day for best results.
He said that ostarine should be dosed 10mgs EOD and yk11 5mgs EOD
If I was to do this doesn’t mean I need to make my cycle longer instead of 8 weeks. Should I...
I've heard good things about using osatrine mk2866
now my question is when it comes to my joint issues how can I best use it?
I'm currently dealing with elbow and shoulder pain. it coincided with me increasing the amount of volume I was doing. the other day for example I did 10 sets of 10 reps...
So its a confusing title but let me explain
I was thinking of doing something cool and doing 4 weeks of sarms using 2 of them, then switching 1 out and bring another one in for 4 more weeks, then doing the same thing
So it would go like this:
4 weeks gw+rad
4 weeks GW+s4
4 weeks S4+ostarine
I’m looking to get tighter for pride month and we are doing a party this weekend
Hopefully will see you guys there
What sarms would work best? I would like to be the most ripped dude at the pool party
I’m currently 22 years old, i have ran anavar before 125mgs a day, strained my liver a lot...
Here are my goals first off:
Lean muscle mass, endurance improvements and fat loss
Following the 365 whole food diet/evo diet
Cardio daily, i jog around my block 3x 1.25miles
Stats: 276, 5’11’’ 25% body fat. 37 years old
Used to be leaner 5 years ago, let myself go
Trying to make my comeback...
27 years old
First time using sarms, used steroids a couple times at 24 and 25 years old
Currently up to 206 pounds, put on about 7 pounds this cycle. 6’1’’
I did ostarine mk2866, gw cardarine, and nutrobal mk677
Appetite was definitely improved in my endurance got really good on the cycle. also...
I did a sarms cycle for 12 weeks using rad140 20mgs a day and gw cardarine 25mgs a day
I put on a solid 5 to 10 lb on the stack and I look really good no complaints on that. also strength has gone up pretty well
however one of the problems is I've been getting tendonitis and some of my joints on...
So i am debating which type of bulking sarms stack I should run this time. My goals are to get bigger and strong but i don’t want to shut myself down or anything like that. If i can get a younger arnold look before he won mr .olympia i would be happy
My stats are 21 years old
5’9’’ and 88kg.
I’m looking to heal my body
Willing to listen to any type of advice on which sarms I'm supposed to use
Heard good things on nutrobal and also ostarine mk2866
What are the differences between those two? I’m 57 years old, is it safe for my age?
Looking to use 3 sarms on my next cycle
My plan is lgd4033 20mgs per day
Gw cardarine 10mgs a day
Ostarine mk2866 25mgs per day
I’m 5’9’’ 184 pounds and 20% body fat.
Should i increase any dosage?
I want to use ostarine mk2866 as my base
Also want to use lgd4033 and cardarine gw with it
What is the best way to stack them. I’m 22, first time using them as a stack
6’4’’ 240 pounds. Want fat loss and strength
I’m 5’10’’
Skinny fat is how i would describe my look
210 pounds
24 years old
My stack as follows will be:
s4/andarine 50mgs
Mk2866 ostarine 50mgs a day
Nutrobal 50mgs a day
Anything to change before i start?
time for me to hit the gym hard and lose some fat with sarms help
I’m 6’ tall and 265 pounds. Body fat is probably like 20-30% somewhere in there
I want to dose 12 weeks and use gw at the minimum?
Should I use cardarine with ostarine mk?
5’8’’ 77kg. 15% body fat, 33 years old
workout 5x per week. Cardio 2x per week
crossfit on weekends
which sarms stack would be better?
GW cardarine + ostarine mk
GW cardarine + lgd4033
Can you get on stage and compete against some of the best in a regional show using sarms or not?
I’ve got several sarms i want to stack together
Ostarine mk2866
Gw cardarine
I’m 30 years old, 5’10’’ 174 pounds and 11% body fat
what are the chances of having success on a sarms stack such as this one?
Ostarine mk + nutrobal mk. 25mgs a each for 12 weeks
My goals are fat loss
I’m 5’10’’ 270 pounds. 22% body fat
What do you think about my cardarine stack below?
My goal is fat loss
I’m currently 30% body fat and 5’5’’ and 260 pounds
I’ve got this plan:
50mgs a day gw
50mgs a day sr9009
50mgs a day nutrobal mk
100mgs a day ostarine mk
I'm 5 ft 8 in 135 lb
My personal trainer recommended I try sarms because he said steroids weren't good for someone who was my size. I'm going to take his advice and give these a shot. These are the dosages that he recommended for me. He said it would help me grow more muscle and cut body fat...