My goals are bulking then quick recovery after workouts I plan on training 6 or 7 times a week during this run.
I’m 28 years old and I’m 5’10” 178 lbs
I’m looking to do sarms for the next 8 weeks and do a quick stack.
Its gonna be 4 weeks of lgd and rad. 10Mgs of each
Then 4 weeks after of...
I’m currently 45 years old and I’m 5’10” 180 lbs
I’ve used steroids a couple times and I can’t stand the post injection pain it’s really nasty.
With sarms would you recommend that I switch to that have low side effects and I’ll help me gain lean muscle mass?
Should I go with ostarine + lgd?
I’ve had neck and back issues for many years
I’m in my mid-30s and I’m approximately 190 lbs
I’m thinking that sarms might benefit me especially with my weight training to comment balance things out
what would you say about doing nutrobal and ostarine together?
25mgs of each for 8 weeks to...
Talking to people at the gym seems like sarms need to be increased a lot.
So I wasn’t sure if 25mgs a day would be good or not?
Debating if I should push it to 50mgs on the ostarine and rad for better results. I’m 75kg and 5’10’’ .. got some room to bulk up which is what I want to do. What you... Hardcore 82 - TB500 with Ostarine for recovery
In this IronOverload for IO podcast your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster discuss - TB500 with Ostarine for recovery
Why speeding up recovery equates to better overall gains
Why TB500 and Ostarine is a great combination
Several IronOverload logs are discussed
What to take note off in the more...
What do you all think about doing some ostarine mk2866 +gw501516 for lean muscle gains and losing fat?
My stats are 24 years old and I am approximately 167 lbs and 5’6”
I’m training four times a week at the gym but will increase it to 5 or 6 times a week
with this stack work really good for 12...
23 years old 5’11” 218 lbs and I’m 28 years old
what are the best things to use with sr9009 and ostarine if I want to put together a nice lean bulk cycle?
I’m training five times a week and a recovery is not easy as I’m going very high volume
example yesterday’s work out I put in about 25 to 26 sets
I’m 21 years old and this is my first time with sarms and I’m scared.
My balls hurt a lot using sarms. I was making out with this girl at the movie theater and she gave me a HJ but didn’t finish. Now the next day my nuts hurt like crazy.
Any idea what could be causing this? I’m using ostarine...
I need a quick sarm stack I’m about to take a vacation to Aruba and it’s going to be for a wedding and I’ll be there for about a week
need to know what I can do in terms of taking something for my stack to get the best Beachbody possible
my initial thoughts were gw501516 and ostarine mk2866. But...
I’m looking to get some Maximum endurance benefits and also maximum recovery benefits
I’m 48 years old and I’m 185 lbs and 6’1”
body fats around 14 or 15% and I’m training right now in the gym five times a week
what do you guys think about stacking some nutrobal and ostarine together to really...
I just finished the 16 week cycle using testosterone 500 mg a week and I blew up about 12 lbs and I gained a lot of strength which I’m looking to keep the most possible.
I’m currently 30 years old and 225 pounds
what is the best sarms stack to use as a bridge?
My initial thoughts are going with...
looking to do some sarms for a fall cut.
My plan is this:
500 cal deficit
increasing protein 25g, decreasing carbs and fat intake. Following 50/35/5 setup with macros.
Sarms to use:
sr9009 25mgs a day, ostarine mk2866 20mgs a day and maybe some s4 50mgs a day as icing on the cake
I’m 21, 5’10’’...
Currently 33 years old I’ve been training for 5 years and this is the first time I’ve tried sarms
I’m 155 lbs and about 5’10”. I’m a very hard Gainer but I would like to put on some lean muscle mass without putting on body fat
would like to keep my abs looking good
You think about using ostarine...
Looking to do a mild lean bulker and I’m choosing sarms to keep side effects at a minimum.
I’m five foot ten and I’m 217 pounds and I’m around 20% body fat.
My plan is 12 weeks of both but I want to keep the ostarine another 4 weeks on top of that.
I’m gonna do the RAD 20mgs a day with ostarine...
my goals are lean muscle mass, recovery, and endurance
40 yrs
I’m 5’8’’
180 pounds
17% body fat.
looking to use ostarine mk2866 properly
current training is a four-day split with cardio on the weekends. I usually do long bicycle rides in a group or I do swimming especially when the water is...
I’m looking to try sarms for the first time.
A friend suggested I go with lgd4033 or lgd3033. 20Mgs a day for 12 weeks
also gonna try ostarine mk2866 50mgs a day with it
I’m 22 years old and I don’t have much patience and I would like to get some drastic changes on this sarm stack.
Six foot two...
I’m looking to do a 20 week sarm cycle
hoping you can give me some advice on the most effective way to do it if I should do it 10 weeks with two sarms and then switch my sarms and then go 10 more weeks
if I just stick to the same sarms the whole way for best results
the ones I am most interested...
In this IronOverload for IO podcast your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster discuss - [2024] Ostarine (MK-2866) SARMS Revisited
What is Ostarine?
The best use for MK-2866
How to best manage any side effects
It's intended medical use
How to dose and stack it
Link to articles...