what are the best supplements for boosting fat intake
my doctor said my joints are not doing good because I am not taking in enough fat and he said to go to the vitamin shop and buy supplements that have fat. Please help
I’m 5’9’’ 188 pounds 16% body fat, 30 years old
I want to lose fat
I’m gonna do 800mgs a week primobolan
what do you recommend I stack with it?
Primo is expensive I don’t want to screw things up. I’m on trt so I do 200mgs a week test already
I'm using 1000 mg a week of sustanon250. This is what a poker buddy recommended. I’m using it EOD. around 150mgs EOD
I'm starting to get estrogen issues. My buddy never mentioned that possibility so I'm kind of on my own at this point.
reading about it I saw that you need an AI. what sort should...
I've ordered from them several times over the past two years. my last order I did equipoise and sustanon
did them for 12 weeks and was up 8 lb in down 1% body fat.
I still have a long way to go to get the body I'm looking for but what a cycle that was
I'm ready to try yk-11 for the first time
there isn't much talk about it on here anymore but I figured I would give it a shot and perhaps log it
My stats are modest. I’m 5’9’’ and 180 pounds. would like to gain some muscle and lose fat at the same time
would 12 mg a day of the yk-11 for 12 weeks...