What if I wanted to bulk as a female but not get wide shoulders or manly arms?
Would that be possible if I used steroids or should I use sarms instead?
Right now i’m 5’5’’ and 140 pounds
In this IronOverLoad episode your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster from the UK Iron Den discuss - Fasting strategies, bulking and cutting
How primitive people fasted naturally as a result of their lifestyles and why we're still the same
Strategies for fasting methods you can try
We cite studies...
I’ve used just about every sarm out there but never tried nutrobal mk677 yet
I heard its a good one to use
I would like to run it with something else
My goals are bulking
I’m 6’ 190 pounds and 11% body fat, 53 years old
I’m gonna be bulking with equipoise on my next cycle
I'm going to be using 16 weeks at 200 mg twice a week
and then I plan on adding test E 300 mg twice a week
will add an AI as needed
6’1’’ 160 pounds and 12% body fat and 33 years old
I have some stupid questions I wanted to hear from the experts regarding sarms.
I’m 27 years old and never used them.
Are sarms good for bulking or cutting?
Do sarms cause long term problems ?
When was the last time you used them and what were your results?
I'm looking to get some bulking done
I’m currently 150 pounds and need to get bigger
Looking to get the sour grape flavor of BULK pre training formula. It has 4G of bcaa and 4G of beta-alanine
what do you think about the formula and you think it will help me get bigger