Still been hitting the gym hard. Need to do better with eating. I haven’t missed a workout. Placed an order with RCS last night. Did back and Biceps yesterday and Shoulders and Abs today along with cardio this morning.
Yeah unfortunately I caught an employee drinking on the job on video from the day before and I had to let them go. I had to cover their 3rd shift desk shifts for the weekend cause no one else could do it and the front desk manager is on vacation out of state and it messed up my sleep schedule...
Here is today’s chest and tri workout. Definitely still feeling the effects of this weekend and also the bad diet this weekend. Still lifted decent for me.
My leg workout from Sunday. Had unexpectedly have to work 3rd shift this weekend and basically slept 2 hours each day. Didn’t have a ton of energy and eat bad. But here is my leg workout.
My workout for today it was shoulders and abs. My shoulder still feels a little tweaked but I pushed through without going too hard. I also did a 90 min hike.
My eating yesterday was terrible. Not enough protein or food. Was super busy with work and didn’t come prepared to work. Sleep was good. I slept 8.5 hours again. Last night I did meal prep and cooked chicken drumsticks.
Tuesdays bicep and back workout. Not sure if adding screenshots of the app workout will be the best. I am tracking everything though. I did have a strange pop in my shoulder at the end of my workout cause I grabbed a pair of DB and did a curl and press and as I was pressing my shoulder popped...
Mondays food screen shots. Macros were good but I understand I am eating way too much processed foods. Working on getting better with Meal prepping. Here are the pictures