UGFreak has once again done it and come through for me in a major way!
I am now 100% ready to rock & roll my way through a successfull cycle!
This order is the 3rd international order I've placed successfully with UGF, the reason I bring this up is because everytime I order from UGF, looking at the day I placed each of my separate orders the time it takes to reach me gets shorter and shorter!
9 days after I put the order in it hit my po box!!! That is damn near domestic shipping fast!!
I also wanted to touch not only on the quality gear from Para Pharma which looks absolutely incredible.
The most important aspect of all of this comes down to how quality of a source we have available here and how stand up UGF truly is and how easy it is to communicate and speak with UGF, I ran into issues on cycle which 100% was my own doing and fault for getting my test in to high of a concentration.
I contacted UGF privately not only did I receive as much help as one could receive, when we could not resolve my mistake I made, UGF replaced 4 bottles of test at a lower concentration out of his own pocket! I wanted to touch on that because it shows the level of care and how truly excellent of a source UGF is for myself and our community!
if that doesnt prove UGFREAK is all about the community and willing to go above and beyond for myself & our members I don't know what will convince you! This shows how damn good we have it, I for one am very thankful for this level of a source
Here is a list of reasons I will always continue supporting and using UGFreak.
UGF/ Para Pharma A+++
Discret packaging A+++
fast shipping A+++
Quality A+++
Helpfulness/ fixing issues A+++
Ease of ordering A+++
Friendliness A+++
Proven quality company with 13+ years in the industry A+++
I am now 100% ready to rock & roll my way through a successfull cycle!

This order is the 3rd international order I've placed successfully with UGF, the reason I bring this up is because everytime I order from UGF, looking at the day I placed each of my separate orders the time it takes to reach me gets shorter and shorter!
9 days after I put the order in it hit my po box!!! That is damn near domestic shipping fast!!
I also wanted to touch not only on the quality gear from Para Pharma which looks absolutely incredible.
The most important aspect of all of this comes down to how quality of a source we have available here and how stand up UGF truly is and how easy it is to communicate and speak with UGF, I ran into issues on cycle which 100% was my own doing and fault for getting my test in to high of a concentration.
I contacted UGF privately not only did I receive as much help as one could receive, when we could not resolve my mistake I made, UGF replaced 4 bottles of test at a lower concentration out of his own pocket! I wanted to touch on that because it shows the level of care and how truly excellent of a source UGF is for myself and our community!
if that doesnt prove UGFREAK is all about the community and willing to go above and beyond for myself & our members I don't know what will convince you! This shows how damn good we have it, I for one am very thankful for this level of a source

Here is a list of reasons I will always continue supporting and using UGFreak.
UGF/ Para Pharma A+++
Discret packaging A+++
fast shipping A+++
Quality A+++
Helpfulness/ fixing issues A+++
Ease of ordering A+++
Friendliness A+++
Proven quality company with 13+ years in the industry A+++