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Approved Log 2024 Para Pharma Testosterone Primobolan Equipoise Tbol Contest Prep Log

February 8 2024

I got my full metabolic pannel done as well as psa, total t & free t plus estrogen.

Overall pannels are looking great, few numbers are off but not by much and it's expected after a cycle.

I feel I can easily run 250-300mg test with no AI especially if primo is in play. I am currently running 150mg of test cyp a week for trt and my estrogen is only at 29 so we'll within range.

Weight-loss that we offen talk about for less sides and better bloods is so true especially after experiencing it myself.
At 240lbs my estrogen was 60-70 now that I'm 215lbs and dropped alot of weight estrogen is at 29 and all numbers look much better.

I feel with estrogen being at 29 I need to be careful with AI and if I do run it maybe take no more than 10mg a week of aromasin, I feel I could crush my estrogen if not careful based on those numbers.

I will also probably need to donate blood a few times during cycle, just looking at hemoglobin and hemicrait as it sits right now.

I will post Tuesdays workout later tonight forget to do it on tuesday night.

Enjoy the update everyone!

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Monday February 12 2024

it has begun....

Starting weight is 216lbs for clarification on that.

I will be continuing the Frank Zane program as i absolutely love it. I go all out 3 days a week hit all my body parts while tossing in some extra isolation movements, i also will keep cardio at 4-5 days a week 45 minutes up into 1hour depending on the time I have.

As all of you can tell by the photo and loaded barrel it is go time!

Today was my first official injection for my Para Pharma 16 week cycle and I am beyond ready and excited for this next step in my bodybuilding journey.

I was a little nervous going into the first Injections which is typical for me and I think normal when taking it into the next level as far as cycle and compounds go.

I must admit I didn't know what to think or how my body would react with higher concentration levels of gear, I was very pleased and surprised at how smooth it went today. I didn't know what to expect after I pressed that plunger down I was like well damn this isn't bad at all, very smooth.

The oil is definitely more viscous this time around that is expected the test alone is 400mg/ml and the primo is 200mg/ml.

I am choosing to start with no AI for the first 4 weeks at the end of those 4 weeks I will be running bloodwork to see all my numbers and especially estrogen, if AI is needed for deployment I have plenty aromasin on hand that I will put into play on a as needed basis, and the dose will be no more than 12mg a week to start. I don't want to crush my estrogen bad news if that happens.

Currently with trt no AI at 150mg a week of test cyp estrogen is at 29 so I don't see me having issues running test at 300-350 a week no AI since primo is at play and from past experience with primo I didn't need an AI at all on cycle.

Also will probably donate blood soon just to keep on the up and up and be safe while running the EQ just something i feel strongly about doing, i feel it is the right call.

I chose the ventro glute as my body takes injections into that area with ease. Been about 1 hour or so since injection took place. I can say with confidence the pip so far is mild at best, I can feel something in my muscle and very very mild soreness. The real test will be 24hrs from now to see what the true pip is looking like.

I use a 25g 1in syringe for injection once loaded into the barrel i like to spin the syringe for 30 seconds back and forth to warm the liquid up in the barrel before i inject it. I believe it can help alleviate the amount of possible pip.

Injections are spilt into M/W/F less oil more spread out = less pip and muscle irritation in my own experience anyway.

I will admit the injection process is alot slower due to the thickness and concentration of the oils, I actually like that, the number one reason is it forces me to injection alot slower and for longer, it helps because I won't flood the muscle with alot of oil quickly, in my mind the slower the injection the more time the oil has to move throughout the muscle and less pip along the way.

the quality is absolutely top notch which is expected when supplied by @ugfreak
This Para Pharma gear is 💯🔥

I often quote it as the para pharma difference as I truly believe Para Pharma gear is next level and will be instrumental in helping me achieve the vison I have long term. It is no secret how much I love PP gear and the results it gives me.

Time to knuckle up and do my part and hit a homerun on the diet, training and cardio for these 16 weeks and beyond.

Enjoy the update everyone!

Wixx 💪1000001701.jpg
Monday February 12 2024

it has begun....

Starting weight is 216lbs for clarification on that.

I will be continuing the Frank Zane program as i absolutely love it. I go all out 3 days a week hit all my body parts while tossing in some extra isolation movements, i also will keep cardio at 4-5 days a week 45 minutes up into 1hour depending on the time I have.

As all of you can tell by the photo and loaded barrel it is go time!

Today was my first official injection for my Para Pharma 16 week cycle and I am beyond ready and excited for this next step in my bodybuilding journey.

I was a little nervous going into the first Injections which is typical for me and I think normal when taking it into the next level as far as cycle and compounds go.

I must admit I didn't know what to think or how my body would react with higher concentration levels of gear, I was very pleased and surprised at how smooth it went today. I didn't know what to expect after I pressed that plunger down I was like well damn this isn't bad at all, very smooth.

The oil is definitely more viscous this time around that is expected the test alone is 400mg/ml and the primo is 200mg/ml.

I am choosing to start with no AI for the first 4 weeks at the end of those 4 weeks I will be running bloodwork to see all my numbers and especially estrogen, if AI is needed for deployment I have plenty aromasin on hand that I will put into play on a as needed basis, and the dose will be no more than 12mg a week to start. I don't want to crush my estrogen bad news if that happens.

Currently with trt no AI at 150mg a week of test cyp estrogen is at 29 so I don't see me having issues running test at 300-350 a week no AI since primo is at play and from past experience with primo I didn't need an AI at all on cycle.

Also will probably donate blood soon just to keep on the up and up and be safe while running the EQ just something i feel strongly about doing, i feel it is the right call.

I chose the ventro glute as my body takes injections into that area with ease. Been about 1 hour or so since injection took place. I can say with confidence the pip so far is mild at best, I can feel something in my muscle and very very mild soreness. The real test will be 24hrs from now to see what the true pip is looking like.

I use a 25g 1in syringe for injection once loaded into the barrel i like to spin the syringe for 30 seconds back and forth to warm the liquid up in the barrel before i inject it. I believe it can help alleviate the amount of possible pip.

Injections are spilt into M/W/F less oil more spread out = less pip and muscle irritation in my own experience anyway.

I will admit the injection process is alot slower due to the thickness and concentration of the oils, I actually like that, the number one reason is it forces me to injection alot slower and for longer, it helps because I won't flood the muscle with alot of oil quickly, in my mind the slower the injection the more time the oil has to move throughout the muscle and less pip along the way.

the quality is absolutely top notch which is expected when supplied by @ugfreak
This Para Pharma gear is 💯🔥

I often quote it as the para pharma difference as I truly believe Para Pharma gear is next level and will be instrumental in helping me achieve the vison I have long term. It is no secret how much I love PP gear and the results it gives me.

Time to knuckle up and do my part and hit a homerun on the diet, training and cardio for these 16 weeks and beyond.

Enjoy the update everyone!

Wixx 💪View attachment 2650
big WINNER is noah
Wednesday February 14 2024

Current weight 214.3

Pip update, pip on the right ventro glute still just feels like a sore small mild bruise, nothing major I feel it I know it's there it's like ouch for a few seconds if I bump it on accident then I move on and forget about it, not bad at all.

I actually felt way more pip on 100mg/ml could be i had to push much more oil into the body at one time compared with 200mg/ml less oil into the muscle.

Second injection day today for the cycle overall it went in very smooth, I did things a bit differently. I let the vials sit in some hot water first before injection and I did notice a big difference in how it drawed up into the syringe very quick.

injection this time was into the left ventro glute and warming the oil did the trick barely felt the oil going in it was so smooth compared to not warming the oil on monday.

Overall after one injection I noticed already an increase in aggression and a little strength boost in the gym.

I think I will hold off on AI for now untill I run bloods in 4 weeks time, I've heard of EQ keeping estrogen low and I'm also running primo so I'm curious if it is true and I will find out and report back my findings.

If estrogen comes in low I will bump the test dose up some to compensate for it, im starting out at 350mg a week with the test dose. If estrogen comes back super low I will bump the test up into 400mg a week and run the test and primo at a 1:1 ratio and see if it helps.

I will not go over 400mg test the entire cycle, if I have to lower certain compound doses for estrogen reasons so be it, untill then if I'm feeling good we run with my current cyle schedule I listed down below.

Before starting the cycle my estrogen was at a 29 on 150mg a week test cyp no AI for reference.

Originally I was gonna run 300mg across the board for all 3 compounds, then thinking about it I know how well I responded with 400mg a week of primo so I altered the plan a little bit.

Injection frequency M/W/F
Test 350mg a week
EQ 300mg a week
Primo 400mg a week

Enjoy the update everyone!

Wixx 💪

Tuesday was my pull day in the gym.

Back, Biceps, Forearms, Abs (Duration 100 – 110 Minutes)
Workout One

Wide Gripe Rack Pulls

T-Bar Row

Front Lat Pulldown

Seated One Arm Machine Row

Rear Delt Machine

One Arm DB Concentration Curls

Alternating Dumbbell Curls

45° Incline Dumbbell Curls

Barbell Reverse Wrist Curls

Barbell Wrist Curls

Ab Torsion Rotation weighted 55lbs
1x50(left side)
1x50(right side)1000001815.jpg
Good to see blood tests are getting done
Absolutely no reason to take a chance when it's much easier to give a few vials of blood that takes a few minutes time, plus I get to update all of you plus show the quality of the gear with certain numbers, also I don't want play around and tank or have a high estrogen spike and risk feeling like trash.

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