I'm looking to get my testosterone levels boosted. Right now I feel super tired and my libido is lower. I ran a steroid cycle a couple months ago and I haven't felt the same since.
What supplement do you recommend that I should try to help boost things.
I'm going to be running 350 mg a week of testosterone enanthate
I'm also going to be doing 300 mg of equipoise
which is the best cycle I should do if I want to run an oral
Should I do the oral the first five weeks or should I do it at the end of the cycle?
I’m 39 years old
185 pounds
What is the best way to use trenbolone and testosterone?
I’m 27 years old and I think I am ready to take the next step
currently, stats are 11% and 182 pounds ripped, goal is to get to 7%
my plan is tren 100mgs per day
T Propionate 150mgs EOD
I plan on doing this for about 8 weeks
anything I...