Hardcore 82 - TB500 with Ostarine for recovery
In this IronOverload for IO podcast your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster discuss - TB500 with Ostarine for recovery
Why speeding up recovery equates to better overall gains
Why TB500 and Ostarine is a great combination
Several IronOverload logs are discussed
What to take note off in the more...
I ordered tb500 and plan on using it for healing and recovery.
Problem is I need help when it comes to mixing and needles.
Did some online research and seems like you’re supposed to mix it but I’m not sure if I should mix it with what and where to get it.
Also when it comes to Needles how many...
In this IronOverload podcast your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster discuss - Peptides - Healing with TB500
What is TB500.
How many, including your podcasts hosts,injure themselves
What it does
How to dose, prepare, store and inject it
It's benefits and possible side effects
Link to article...