hello, reading some old school info seems like primobolan was a good steroid back in the day
I’m young but I have an old school mentality
wondering what is the best way to use primobolan
my goals are lean muscle mass.
I’m 26 years old
5’6’’ 155 pounds and 9% body fat
I’m not in the best shape
20% body fat. 56 years old
I’m active though
I want to get an edge and i’m single so want to impress the ladies
Looking to use steroids. I’m at 235 pounds right now and 6’2’’
Which steroid cycle would you recommend for me here?
I'm not looking to get bashed or flamed
just looking for some honesty
I am a drug addict and I have seeked help but haven't had much success. I want to build muscle and get stronger though and want to use steroids.
does anyone on here use any sort of recreational drug? and if so have you been...
I am currently on a steroid cycle where I am using a couple injectables and a couple orals
my liver seems to hurt on this stack especially when I work out
I need some help can you tell me a supplement that can help the liver
I'm currently on a anabolic steroid cycle
I’m 43 years old, 5’11’’ 260 pounds
I’m getting some headaches, usually they come on in the afternoon and I have to take something to get it back down
my blood pressure is also higher
I’m doing testosterone propionate 150mgs EOD
would that low over those...