California performance company has a product called V whey which comes in 3 flavors
chocolate brownie, mixed berry, and vanilla sundae
It is a non animal whey protein powder. It's also lactose free and gluten free. Anyone try the stuff before it tastes really weird compared to other protein...
which protein bar do you recommend
I'm going to be taking a trip to Colorado and I will be hiking up a mountain I would like to pack something in my backpack to take just in case I need some more energy
Does anyone ever add things like whey protein powder or creatine to your foods?
Let’s say i am making pancakes or cookies
And i sprinkle in a few tablespoons. Will this help me or not make a difference?
do you think that protein bars are a good option the pack with me for a long hike
or do you think they have too much sugar in are bad for you
if you don't like them tell me an alternative. And if you do can you give me a brand that you like
I get diarrhea when I drink whey protein powder
a friend suggested I try isolate but it doesn’t help much
I also tried take lactaid enzyme and it helps a little only. It throw off bowel movements a lot.
Any suggestions?
I am a diabetic and I don't want to cause any issues with my blood sugar can you give me a supplement that won't screw up my blood sugar?
I've already tried protein bars and they send my blood sugar Sky High