I’m 5’8’’ 213 pounds and around 25-30% body fat
want to build up my endurance and lose fat
I have this in mind:
sr9009 30mgs per day
yk11 20mgs per day
nutrobal mk 50mgs pe day
48 years old
182 lb
body fat is around 18 to 19 percent area
My friend said i should do nutrobal mk677 + sr9009
He said he lost like 10 pounds of fat and gained 5 pounds muscle
Do you think I will have similar results?
someone said this stack was pointless because they each do you completely different things
he said that one increases your appetite and 1 decrease is at so it makes no sense to run them together
what do you think about this? My friend ran GW and said he was getting a lot of night sweats but it...
What do you think about my cardarine stack below?
My goal is fat loss
I’m currently 30% body fat and 5’5’’ and 260 pounds
I’ve got this plan:
50mgs a day gw
50mgs a day sr9009
50mgs a day nutrobal mk
100mgs a day ostarine mk
what is the best way to dose nutrobal MK 677 and what should i stack with it?
My goal is better recovery and more appetite?
I’m 6’5’’ and 245 pounds
I’ve got 22% body fat and I am 27 years old
I am currently lifting weights 3x per week and doing cardio 2-3x per week
A friend of mine ran both separately and he said they were worlds apart as far as what
kind of results he got
he said that ostarine was good cause it didn’t mess with his appettite and he didn’t like nutrobal cause it did. Would that be something I gotta watch out for?
I was wondering how much do you think a sarms cycle will cost if I was to run a recovery stack with nutrobal mk677 and ostarine mk2866
My main issue is workout recovery because my workouts are pretty intense for 90 minutes.
I’m 37 years old and I just don't recover the way I used to.
reading about nutrobal mk677 it seems to be too good to be true.
but I'm sure that just like anything in life anything good can also be bad as well. What are the side effects I should be expecting when using it?
I’m 50 years old and 6’2’’. Should i worry about joints?