I’m 30 years old, 5’7’’ and 195 pounds
Currently on 200mgs test, 500mgs primo and 20-40mgs a day anavar.
This is week 6.
was in bed with my hot girlfriend and I completely went limp and had to finger her the rest of the way.
Any advice on why my libido would die? I went and got blood work done...
so I’m one of those people when I’m on cycle I want to bang like three times a day but when I come off cycle I want to bang three times a month it’s no good at all and not healthy
what is the best option for helping my libido and with supplements would you recommend for me?
I’m currently 3 weeks into my PCT in my libido is taking a dump
I need your advice when it comes to boosting libido and keeping it strong during the time
it’s a bit frustrating because I just started dating this gorgeous brunette and she loves sex as much as possible and I can’t give it to her
currently I’m in my post cycle Therapy and I’m dealing with low libido
my main issue is not just libido either, its also erection issues
I’m using nolva and clomid. Doing 25mgs of each per day as recommended.
With supplement can I start taking to help out with this issue?
just finished a 16 week cycle and 5 week pct
didn’t go well
ran clomid and nolvadex
Forgot to run and need supplements along with them maybe that was my mistake?
What do I do from here I’m looking to not use any more drugs and would like to use some supplements to help me get my libido back up
Yeah i know another thread like this
I’m in my early 20’s and i have my first steady gf and she likes to wake me up for some action
Problem is i am too soft in the morning.
What supps can i take to get ‘him’ up
I ran a steroid cycle and my test levels never rebounded
I’m not too happy about this
I don’t care about libido or anything like that. I just care about bringing up my test levels
which supp works?
Hey i’m 4 weeks into my current cycle
Just finished my first vial of testosterone cypionate
So far, so good. I’m up 5 pounds
More importantly my strength is up quite a bit. My mood is fantastic and my libido is Sky High\
I'm in such a good mood I feel like I want to jump out of bed every morning...
fast and pain free order. my first time international. ordering is easy payment options work well. packaging was solid packed perfectly, nothing broken. i ordered lots of test, eq, and primo. results are amazing can feel the increase in libido.
trying to get my wife pregnant
I’m 43 years old, been on trt for 4 years.
problem is I am on trt
doctor wants me to come off but I'm worried that all crashed my libido
we are going to have an appointment next week and he is very flexible with me. can you give me some tips on what I should be...
what are the best supplements I should be taking on a daily basis for sexual health
not just maintaining an erection but also having libido and feeling young again
things have changed for me now that I'm in my late 30s seems like my body is slowing down
what are the risk of having libido issues on sarms. I am a newlywed and I've only been married for six weeks and we have sex pretty regularly. I love my wife and we waited until we got married to have sex
I want to look good for her. I am interested in using gw cardarine and ostarine mk2866.
what are the best supplements that you've ever use when it came to boosting your libido and what is the difference between libido and sex drive?
Are they the same thing in your view or are they something completely different where a supplement would not be able to help you with one or the other...
I'm looking to get my testosterone levels boosted. Right now I feel super tired and my libido is lower. I ran a steroid cycle a couple months ago and I haven't felt the same since.
What supplement do you recommend that I should try to help boost things.