My story is simple my goals are to gain about 10 or 12 lbs of lean muscle I know it’s not going to happen on one cycle but I would like to it to happen over the course of the next year.
I plan on busting my ass and training every single day and doing fasted cardio to stay lean.
My stats are...
I’m 40 years old and I’m currently 200 lbs and 6’3”
I’ve been doing sarms for the past 10 weeks and I ended up doing rad140 now I want to switch to something else .. didn’t really see much with rad, just a few pounds
I want to bulk up more. Do you think I should stack some s23 and s4 at 25mgs a...
a friend of mine sold me 4 bottles of lgd.
So looking to put together a nice run with lgd4033
goal is moderate bulking.
I’m 5’9’’ and 188 pounds with 18% body fat
how much do you recommend I use per day? How long should I use it? 20 weeks too long?
22 years old and this is the first time I’ve ever used anything like this
my stats are 178 lbs and I’m 5’7” my body fat is around 15% maybe a little more
Wondering how legit is rad140 and lgd4033 together as a stack for lean bulking and cutting.
I plan on doing fasted cardio daily and taking in...
39 yrs old and 210 pounds 17% body fat
so I am currently doing lgd at 20mgs a day for 8 weeks. Just finished by 7th or 8th week kinda lost count lol. But anyway I want to go 8 more weeks. I have enough lgd to last me 8 weeks and I also have some gw501516 and rad140 on hand too.
Would you...
my sarms cycles of the past I was running really low doses.
Would like to ramp things up going forward and run more sarms.
Gw50516 20mgs a day + lgd4033 25mgs a day for 8 weeks is what I ran before?
How do I ramped things up from here should I add to more sarms or should I just increase the...
I’m looking to use sarms purely for athletic purposes
I’m not too worried about gaining too much muscle or losing too much fat or anything like that
my main purpose is speed and athleticism because I play soccer and I also play some tennis and basketball.
Looking to do lgd4033 and gw cardarine...
I’m looking to use lgd4033 + sr9009 on my next cycle. Just want to make sure that they pair well together a friend of mine was saying you shouldn’t run them together because they compete for Androgen receptors or something like that.
What do you think about that theory? I’m 21 years old and this...
Reading a lot of reddit and social media. Seems like it the consensus is the best stack ever of sarms that’s been the most popular over the past 15 years has been lgd4033 and gw501516 cardarine
now when it comes to using both I’m a bigger guy I’m currently 260 pounds and I’m six foot five.
Doing my research on sarms I’ve come up with some ideas when it comes to cycles that make sense to me.
I’m in my mid-twenties and I’m looking to put on some bulk but nothing too crazy where my friends and family will know what I’m using
my idea was lgd and yk11. 10Mgs each for 12 weeks.
I'm looking to get more bulkier when it comes to more muscle mass and I'm also looking to cut down on sarms
I want to use lgd4033 and rad140. 10mgs of each
12 weeks on and 6 weeks off
I’m 30 years old and 5’10’’ and 189 pounds. My body fat is 17%
I have room to cut down but I also have room to...
I’m 4 weeks into lgd4033 and gw cardarine
I had good results but my bottles are now empty. I guess i planned wrong and thought these would last 8 weeks And they only lasted 4 weeks
where do I go from here in terms of going into post Cycle Therapy or should I order more sarms and continue the...
I just finished my lgd 4033 cycle
I have been doing it for 8 weeks
wanted to let you know my results and see what my next step should be.
I gained 4 pounds of lean gains
Not bad
I’m 37 years old, 5’10’’ 15% bf
What should i do for my next sarms run? I want to continue gaining but want to lose...
Looking to do a hardcore sarms stack
20mgs a day
10mgs a day
25mgs a day
Should I add anything else to this or will this be enough?
I want to bulk up and grow. Currently 22 years old. 6’ 174 pounds
Pretty simple stack i wanted to do
Just need help on dosages and length of cycle
GW+ lgd
I’ve got 2 bottles of each
I’m 28 years old, 5’9’’ 213 pounds and 20% body fat
Want to recomp and gain strength
55 years old
5’5’’ 165 pounds
15% body fat
I’m using RAD and LGD together this time
I want to start out doing 5mgs per day but then ramp up the dose.
how high can I run them? I want to build mass
I'm 23 years old and I ran sarms and I got shut down.
I was using a mix of lgd4033 and yk11
I did gain about 12 lb in the process. I'm currently up two 242 lb from 230 lb. so that part I cannot complain about but I am shutdown for sure.
what is the best way to reverse the suppression?
who on here can help me figure out if i should stack lgd4033 or stack it
I have some ideas on what to stack with it but not sure based on my goals.
I want to build lean muscle mass. I am 9% body fat and 25 years old and weigh 67kg.
Would using gw cardarine with it and cutting calories still...