I’m getting ready to use RAD, LGD and SR9009
just wanted to get some confirmation before I jumped on it
so I got 2 bottles of RAD, 3 bottles of LGD and 3 bottles of sr
I’m going to do the rad at 10 mg a day and the lgd at 20 milligrams a day until they run out
I’m also going to use the SR 9009...
I ran a steroid cycle in I did not get the results I was looking for. I’m about 22 percent body fat and I finish the cycle even fatter. I’m 42 years old with a dad Bod
looking to switch over to SARMs
what do you think about doing the lgd and g.w. stack? Purely a cutting cycle and I will increase...
So i just finished using sarms for 12 weeks
I ended up doing GW 20mgs a day
Rad140 20mgs a day
Lgd 25mgs a day
I'm 28, 5 ft 11 in and 217 lb
here are a couple mistakes I made and maybe you will avoid doing the same:
failed to run pre-blood work
did not monitor my blood pressure. current blood...
I’m looking for lean muscle mass. Like i want to gain about 5-10 pounds but have it be an aesthetic look
basically the Brad Pitt look from Fight Club if that makes sense
I'm currently 206 lb and I'm 6 ft 1
My body fat is around 18%
And i’m 38 years old
My plan is
20mgs GW 8 weeks
30mgs SR9009 4...
I'm coming towards the end of my current sarm cycle
I did lgd 4033 and I did some rad-140 with it. I did 10 mg of the lgd and I did about 50 mg of the rad 140
my question is now toward post Cycle Therapy. How do I recover from a stack like this
What should I stack with cardarine gw if the choices were either rad140
or lgd4033? And what kind of dosing works good together
my goals are lean muscle mass on my frame
I’m 6’1’’ 214 pounds and 14% body fat.
25 years old
if I am currently doing lgd 4033 and want to switch out to a different sarm
Which one should i change to? I'm just not getting the type of response that I was hoping for
Would like to cut down more. I’m 250 pounds and 5’11’’ and probably close to 25% body fat. 25 years old.
Hello, my name is Michael and I’m 23 years old
I tried sarms once only
I did a rad140 cycle and hated it
Would lgd4033 be better? I want to bulk. I’m 140 pounds and 6’1’’
How much lgd is best?
Me and my wife are both females. She is 5’6’’ and i am 5’8’’. We are both coming from sports backgrounds soccer and swimming. We are both in our early 40’s and train 5x a week.
What do you recommend we both use together? Our goals are to put on some strength but not too much
Heard females cannot...
I’m 55kg and 5’5’’
Looking to add some size to my frame
But i also Want to improve my endurance
Which would work better if i had to choose between
Lgd4033 and sr9009
Or lgd and gw cardarine?
I am almost done with my current cycle of sarm's.
I'm doing lgd 4033, rad140 and yk11
All 20mgs a day
my results have been pretty good.
I went from 240 pounds to 250. And my body fat seems to be still 15%
I’m 23 years old
what is my next step now after pct? Can i get back on steroids?