21 years old, 5’10’’ and 155 pounds
Need help with this sarms stack. Got 2 lgd, 2 sr and some S4.
Need help stacking it together.
I’m looking to get lean muscle mass and also boost my strength.
Its gonna be lgd, sr and s4 together.
Thinking of doing 25mgs of each then increasing the dose to...
I’m 5’6” 185 lbs and 22 years old, I’ve been training for about 3 years and I’m currently eating about 250 g of protein and 3500 calories a day
looking to get some additional benefits in the gym and push myself more
looking to do a mixed stack of lgd4033 + GW501516 like this:
GW 30mgs a day
What is your thoughts on using gw501516 and lgd4033 together?
I want to take something that would be good for my health and also boost lean muscle mass gains.
Do you think I should run 20mgs of each for 12 weeks or should I push for 16 weeks?
I’m currently 5’6” 158 lbs and 25 years old
I’m around 240 lbs and 5’9” body fat is over 20% I don’t know how much exactly but it’s high
I have not used any performance enhancing drugs in my life
however after my recent divorce I decided that it’s time to focus on me for the first time
especially considering she has full custody of the...
it just looking to try something simple and do some lgd and gw501516
The dosing I want to do is 20 mg a day and I want to go 8 weeks
then I will re-evaluate things and maybe push the dosing a little higher to 25 or 30 mg for an additional 4 to 8 weeks
I’m 25 years old this is the first time I’ve...
25 years old. 200 pounds and 6’2’’
last cycle I did steroids and got a lot of bad sides.
looking to get as close to steroid gains as possible but without the sarms issues.
What would you recommend I do in terms of how many sarms I should run?
Should I do 10mgs of lgd then jack up the dose to...
hoping you can give me some advice on bulking up while also cutting body fat with lgd and gw501516
currently 170 pounds and I would describe my physique as skinny fat. I’m 5’10’’ .. no visible abs
22 years old.
Looking To improve my physique from here should I go 8 weeks or 12 weeks and would...
looking to put together a pretty simple stack on 28 years old I’m 5’7” and I’m 158 lbs
would like to put on some lean muscle mass and also burn body fat
I’m around 11% currently according to my personal trainer at the gym
do you think that GW 501516 and lgd 4033 at 20 mg a day with work for 8...
this is an old school stack but I want to use them together.
I’m 23 years old and this is the second time I’ve used sarms and I’m around 218 lbs and about 20% body fat
My thoughts are lgd4033 25mgs a day along with gw501516 cardarine 20mgs a day.
Going 8 weeks then taking a break for 15 weeks...
I’m 25 years old and hoping you can give me some advice when it comes to using lgd and rad and how it will effect my body when it comes to lean gains.
I would like to stack 20 mg a week of each and go 12 weeks but I’m not sure if I should increase the amount of calories and protein I’m getting...
I’m looking to tweak some things with my next sarm cycle
currently 26 years old and trying to add lean muscle mass.
The 2 sarms I am most interested in are gw501516, rad140 and maybe lgd?
How would you use them to my advantage considering I’m 138 lbs and I’m 5’7”.
should I increase the dosing to...
its lean bulk time guys and gals! We are going to do this cycle together I want everybody to run it the way I’m doing it and we can compare our results I’m sure that would be a fun little experiment we could do together.
This is the way I want you all to run it so work with me
26mgs a day...
curious how I can use both lgd4033 and gw cardarine for max benefits on my next cycle.
Right now I am 24 years old and I am a year out of graduate school and really picking up my weight training
my goal is to train five times a week and I’m 218 lbs and my goal is to lose weight
do you think that...
Currently 33 years old I’ve been training for 5 years and this is the first time I’ve tried sarms
I’m 155 lbs and about 5’10”. I’m a very hard Gainer but I would like to put on some lean muscle mass without putting on body fat
would like to keep my abs looking good
You think about using ostarine...
this is the first time I’ve ever used sarms
I’m in my early 30s and I’m 240 lbs and I’m trying to cut down a little bit my body fats probably around 20% or maybe higher
I’m interested in using GW501516 30mgs per day
and then using lgd4033, 25mgs a day
9 week cycle then pct.
Would this work good...
I’m gonna order 2 bottles each of rad140, lgd4033 and gw501516.
Looking for some tips and advice on how to run it the most successfully possible
one of the ways I think would work good is:
gw 20mgs a day
rad and lgd 25mgs a day each
8 weeks on all 3 but maybe 2 extra weeks with gw.
I’m 5’7” 156...
looking to do an old school stack of sarms
my stack looks like this and tell me where I am right or wrong please:
gw501516 20mgs a day
lgd4033 15mgs a day
rad140 25 mgs EOD.
I’m 5’9’’ 190 pounds and 20% BODY fat
goals are to improve my physique
I’m looking to load those my sarms and try them that way
my current cycle plan is
10mgs of GW501516, 5mgs of LGD4033 and 5 mgs of RAD140
8 weeks
do you think something like this would work I’m 140 lbs and 5’6” so I’m a smaller guy
and I’m only 21 years old so I don’t want to get too aggressive
I’m very desperate to get some sarms action going
would like to put on some lean muscle mass a build some size to my frame
looking to do 10 mg of the lgd in about 15 mg of the RAD140.
It will be an 8 week cycle but I’m curious if you guys think I should push it to 12 or 16 weeks?
I’m lean 6’1’’...
I’m looking to have a successful cycle for a change I seem to not do well on steroids so I will switch to sarms. Looking to limit the side effects and also have some good quality games I don’t want any water retention into bloat up. Last cycle I gained 25 pounds but most of it was water.