going to be doing 800 to 1000 mg a week of equipoise
I think its a great steroid
My only concern is how much test to use with it
I don’t want to get water retention
216 pounds 44 yrs young and 18% body fat. Looking to recomp
my next check is going to be equipoise 700 mg is a week
my last cycle I did 500 mg a week that I had good results I feel like I can add more though this time
what is the best thing to start with it if you had to choose between testosterone and trenbolone?
My goal is bulking
I’m currently 6 ft 1...
True or false?
Can you mix different oils that are different brands in different compounds in the same needle and inject it?
I want to do equipoise and testosterone enanthate.
Currently 33 years old and this is my 1st cycle.
I did Trenbolone for a couple years and I want to try to ease back on my steroid dosing and use something more mild
I'm up to 225 lb and 5 ft 10 in. I'm 35 years old
do you think I should switch to equipoise or primobolan? I wanted to do 500mgs each
And how much test with them?
I’m gonna be doing testosterone and equipoise this time.
I’m debating which type of Esther to use with the testosterone. There are many options
What do you think will work here?
Test 500mgs a week
Eq 500mgs a week
I’m 33 years old. 5’9’’ 175 pounds 12% bf
In this IronOverLoad episode your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster from the UK Iron Den check out a big favourite of many Equipoise. We discuss:
It's history, profile, what it was used for medically and even other names it's known by
Potential side effects and, as before, how to deal with them...
I was wondering if using equipoise by itself could cause estrogen related complications like gynecomastia, bloating, and insomnia.
I’m gonna run it 600mgs a week solo
I am currently 6 ft tall and 85 kg in weight
my body fat is around 16% or less
I'm a very strict reviewer and I never pull punches.
I can honestly say there isn't anything I can say bad about using domestic supply
I worked with JP to get a cycle setup and he suggested stacking some testosterone with equipoise. I was worried because a lot of people say EQ gave them bad side...
I'm going to be running 350 mg a week of testosterone enanthate
I'm also going to be doing 300 mg of equipoise
which is the best cycle I should do if I want to run an oral
Should I do the oral the first five weeks or should I do it at the end of the cycle?
I’m 39 years old
185 pounds