I’m 22 years old and quite large. I have a tough time attracting good looking women so I am forced to only bang the fatties if you know what I mean.
my main goals are to cut down on sarms. I’m very excited and hope I will get it, one of the things I will dream about is cutting down to 6 or 7%...
having some major issues with diarrhea and blow since I started this protein powder twice a day
I’ve got kind of a sensitive stomach and I’m looking for the best protein powder that I can use to help me get more protein in my diet but also I don’t want some stomach issues
can you give me some...
I’m looking to take something that can help With my teeth as they are not in good shape
dealing with some swollen gums and all my teeth keep cracking
do you have any advice on a supplement that can help with this do I just need more vitamin D in my diet or maybe vitamin E?
I’m trying to get more protein in my diet I’m currently getting about 250 grams and I would like to bump it up over 300 grams or even to 400 grams.
What are the most protein shakes a person should be drinking every day?
This seems like the more I drink the more my stomach gets upset
I’m currently 190 pounds and six foot two inches. I would like to put on about 15 to 20 pounds over the next few months
already got my diet on point I am consuming 500 to 1000 calorie Surplus every day
what is going to be my next step at building muscle mass.
I just started to get into bodybuilding and I'm really excited about trying out some new things
what kind of foods do you recommend for me?
I’m a skinny guy
can you give me maybe five or six of the best bodybuilding foods that are out there that are easily gotten just by going to the supermarket
What are the best carbohydrates we should be consuming as bodybuilders in terms of food. what do you think of sticking to 20% of my macros in carbohydrates as well
should I increase it or decrease it?
Let's say I eat nothing but McDonald's and fast food
can I take a bunch of vitamins and minerals and make up the deficiencies in my diet that way?
or would I still have some sort of deficiency in the matter what I do unless I ate a better diet