I’m 44 years old and I’m just a gym bro who stands at 5’8” 205 lbs
would like to just blast and cruise going forward. My plan is blast with steroids and then use sarms to cruise on for like 12-16 weeks.
This will be my 18 month plan to build some quality mass.
Which sarms would work good to add...
was thinking about doing a blast and cruise strategy that was a little bit different then What's normally recommended
My blast dose is gonna be 500mgs of trenbolone, then i want to cruise back down to 100mgs of tren with 50mgs a week testosterone
Anyone try something like this for a year? I...
When i take sarms in liquid form it makes me sick
So instead i started putting it in capsules and taking them that way
do you think that it will affect the type of results I will get if I take them like that or does it not matter