I’m 23 years old
155 pounds
looking to bulk up bigtime.
Everyone says I’m too young for steroids blah blah blah. Fine, I will use sarms. Monstro you tell me if this stack looks good.
S23 25mgs a day.
S4 100mgs a day
rad 50mgs a day
16 weeks and pct 3 weeks nolva/clomid.
Will I grow?
what is the timeline between using anabolic steroids on cycle and then going into post cycle therapy PCT?
I am currently doing:
400mgs a week Equipoise 400mg/ml so 1 cc a week
1CC a week of sustanon250 so 250mgs a week
and I plan on doing this 16 weeks
for pct I got nolvadex and clomid of...