I’m hoping for some advice for my next steroid run. I’m around 185 lbs and I’m 5’7” but I’m about 18 or 19% body fat and 25 years old
I would like to use this cycle to cut down
what do you think about stacking 700 mg of Primo per week and doing 100 mg per day injections 100 mg/mL
and hitting...
I’ve recently got deep into the endurance sport world and doing CrossFit and that sort of thing. Also into swimming and a lot of running and other sports.
I’m 25 years old and I’m around 175 lbs
so I’ve been reading a lot of good things about sarms when it comes to boosting cardio
some of the...
Guys and girls, how many times a week do you work out? Do you go to the gym or do you work out at home? How many times a week do you work out with heavy weights and how much time do you do cardio?
I know someone on here is doing igf-1 lr3 in their log. I’m curious though for someone like me who weighs a lot less what Kind of benefits that I can expect. I’m a 165lbs and I’m five foot seven and I’m 28 years old
I’m looking to get my cartilage and muscle stronger
I’m also looking to get...
In this IronOverLoad episode your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster from the UK Iron Den discuss cardio benefits and strategies, Get lean We discuss:
How bad of an effect steroids can have on heart health
Different ideas to get better at cardio
Why even the biggest athletes need to do cardio
what are the best supplements out there to recover
I like to do weight training and then cardio
while on some days I like to hit the cardio hard then do the weight training after
I find that the second phase of my workouts usually I am having a hard time because my body isn't recovering like it...
I'm 32 years old and 250 pounds with 30%+ body fat
looking to lose some fat
I've got cardarine GW two bottles of that and I've got another one called YK11
3 bottles of that one
What is the dosing for an 8 week run. I plan on eating good and doing a lot of cardio
60 years old
workout 3x per week
cardio 2x per week tennis and swimming
155 pounds
I want to try lgd4033 but not sure what to use with it
looking for more energy and anti aging help
A friend of mine said that you can't do much cardio on steroids because he said that he ran them and it killed his cardio
I’m currently 230 pounds and 18% body fat and 44 years old
I want to run steroids to cut down and i know cardio is great to do. I'm already running a mile or two every other...