my goal is lean mass
stats: 5’9’’ 175 pounds, 11% body fat
33 years old
first time stacking 3 sarms.
My cycle I want to run:
lgd 15mgs a day
gw501516 cardarine 30mgs a day
rad 140 20mgs a day
12 weeks or should I push 16weeks?
I’m 5’6” 185 lbs and around 12% body fat
I need some education when it comes to cutting with sarms and how you would run this type of cycle.
I’ve got 3 sarms I ordered:
gw cardarine
how would you stack them for maximum cutting benefits?
this is an old school stack but I want to use them together.
I’m 23 years old and this is the second time I’ve used sarms and I’m around 218 lbs and about 20% body fat
My thoughts are lgd4033 25mgs a day along with gw501516 cardarine 20mgs a day.
Going 8 weeks then taking a break for 15 weeks...
Big dude. 300 pounds and 6’4’’. need to lose weight. This is why I want to try cardarine gw.
I’m looking at doing 20 mg a day and I’m going to take it for as long as I need to lose 25 lbs.
What are the proper ways to dose gw501516 for someone aiming for fat loss?
What would be the estimate for...
I’m 3 weeks into sr9009 and gw cardarine. I’m doing 15 milligrams of each per day.
Can confirm I’m definitely losing fat loss. I would guess I’ve gone from 25% body fat down to 22% body fat and I’m down about 8 lbs body weight total. Stuff works!!! currently down to 248 lbs and I’m 5’9”.
what... 608 - [2024] GW-501516 (Cardarine) and Cancer Revisited
24 years old and I’m 166 pounds.. approximately 20% body fat
I’m gonna be using s4/andarine, gw cardarine and some lgd4033
my friend used those and had really good results based on before/after pictures.
I want to do it the smart way and Improve my physique as well
what are the worst side...
In this IronOverload for IO podcast your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster discuss - [2024] Cardarine (GW-501516) SARMS Revisited
What is Cardarine
Why sarms were developed
The best use for Cardarine
We deal with the cancer BS
How to dose and stack it
Link to articles...
Sarms seem interesting
I know that Monstro isn’t a huge fan of them, and I respect him completely .. I still want to try them out
s4 andarine seems like a good one for strength and fat loss
and GW seems like it is more for skinnier guys trying to lose more weight
I’m a bigger guy around 240 lbs...
first off my stats are 28 years old and I am 5'11 and I weigh around 217 lb
my body fat is about 20% maybe a little less
I'm not seeing enough fat loss on this cycle so I would like to change things up. I'm currently using rad140 20 mg a day and I'm also using some sr9009 with it
I would like to...
I’m into athletics a lot and also weight training
So right now i do weights 3-4x per week at the gym. And i play basketball and do a lot of hiking with my dogs in the mountains
Looking for something that's going to give me a bit of an edge.
My thought is
Sr9009 25mgs a day
Nutrobal mk677 20mgs a...
I’m looking to get tighter for pride month and we are doing a party this weekend
Hopefully will see you guys there
What sarms would work best? I would like to be the most ripped dude at the pool party
I’m currently 22 years old, i have ran anavar before 125mgs a day, strained my liver a lot...
21, 5.8, 166lbs. 10% bf
what would be the harm in using sarms at higher dosages if they have less side effects than anabolics?
so instead of using cardarine at 20mgs why not use 100mgs? Instead of ostarine at 25mgs why not 200mgs?
has anyone tried this strategy? I'm looking to be more aggressive...
My body has not slowed down one bit in my 50’s
I’m excited to try sarms for the first time after 20 years of steroids off and on
I would say I average maybe two cycles per year during that span
I now up to 6 ft 3 in and 217 lb
looking to cut down on body fat and also increase some energy
The 3...
27 years old
First time using sarms, used steroids a couple times at 24 and 25 years old
Currently up to 206 pounds, put on about 7 pounds this cycle. 6’1’’
I did ostarine mk2866, gw cardarine, and nutrobal mk677
Appetite was definitely improved in my endurance got really good on the cycle. also...
Just want to confirm that things are correct I've done a lot of research over the past few days and I think I have everything straight
My cycle:
12 weeks rad140 10mgs, 8 weeks lgd4033 12.5mgs, 14 weeks gw cardarine 10mgs
2 bottles of each will be needed.
I'm 5 ft 6 in and I weigh 187 lb. my goal...
I’m looking to cut down to a good weight. I’m currently 5’5’’ and 260 pounds and my body fat is quite high. I’m 50 years old
I’m curious about using cardarine gw501516 or sr9009 stenabolic.
This is a really good stack for fat loss according to a lot of smart people online
How long will it take...
What do you think about cardarine gw with s23
Is this the ultimate recomp stack?
205 pounds, 5’7’’ and 22% body fat
My friend said it is great for someone with my physique to get more in shape