I’m currently 28 years old I’m 5’11” and I’m 218 lbs
my goal is to get stronger but I don’t want any side effects
gonna be putting together a nice power stack when it comes to my next sarms run.
8 weeks
rad140 10mgs a day
s4/andarine 50mgs a day
ostarine 20mgs a day
anything else you would add here?
I’m 24 years old and I’m 218 lbs and about 14 or 15% body fat
my goal is to look better and improve my physique
I’m looking to do some rad140 and s4/andarine on my next cycle.
Excited to try them together
my plan is this:
rad 10mgs a day
s4 25mgs a day
The reason I want to keep the S4 lower is...
I’m 40 years old and it’s been about 5 years since I used sarms. I’m 218 lbs and my goal is to do a recomposition
excited to stack s4 and gw501516. Its been a while since I used either. And I’ve never done them together.
My dosing is what I need help with.
Should I do it like this?
S4 50mgs a...
Have not used S4 in a long time it’s been probably 10 years believe it or not I think I was probably the first person to ever use it lol.
Back then we would routinely run at least 75 mg and even 125 mg a day and we’d have good results although we would pretty much be blind as a bat on this...
Want to keep my stack very simple and do some gw cardarine with andarine s4
what do you think about using them together and going for 12 weeks?
I’m thinking 50mgs of s4 would be good along with gw at 30mgs a day. Each tab comes in 15mgs thats the problem so not sure how I can split them up...
I’m looking to run sarms for 10 weeks. 12 weeks seems too long and 8 weeks seems like too little. I would like to run something in between that.
The 3 sarms I was Targeting are lgd, rad, and s4/andarine
looking to lean bulk I’m currently 170 lbs and 5’11”
what would you recommend for me to dose...
I’m 21 years old and I’m 230 lbs in about 6’3” about 20% body fat
A friend hooked me up with a few bottles of s4/andarine. Want to get my cycle going for 12 weeks. What would be a good option with using S4 at 50mgs a day?
What else should I stack in?
Goals are lean muscle and strength but also...
its lean bulk time guys and gals! We are going to do this cycle together I want everybody to run it the way I’m doing it and we can compare our results I’m sure that would be a fun little experiment we could do together.
This is the way I want you all to run it so work with me
26mgs a day...
I am an overall athlete that likes to stay active anything from volleyball to basketball to weight training to cardio. I’m 28 years old and I’m tall and lean 6’5” 187 lbs
It still looking for a concrete answer to this I posted the same question on Reddit and all so a couple other forums and some...
23 years old I’m around 185 lbs and 6 ft tall
I have a vacation coming up in 5 weeks so I like to run a 4 week stack of sarms ahead of it to get in really good shape and conditioning
it’s going to be a Beach vacation so I don’t want to look too bad and it will be at a nude resort in Jamaica...
I’m looking to have a successful cycle for a change I seem to not do well on steroids so I will switch to sarms. Looking to limit the side effects and also have some good quality games I don’t want any water retention into bloat up. Last cycle I gained 25 pounds but most of it was water.
not sure why so man you recommend 50mgs a day of s4. That is a low dose. I’ve been using it for the past 15 years even when it first came out and it was always standard to run at least 75 mg and 100 mg or more even per day.
The logic was if you weren’t getting vision side effects it means that...
I’m 58 years old, divorced for 3 years. Fit as a fiddle and want to keep it that way.
I’m a very sexual person and I would like to use sarms without disturbing that.
I currently have three different girlfriends who I rotate throughout the week and it’s very important to me to be consistent with...
so I’m Putting the final touches on my next cycle
its gonna be sarms rad140 and s4/andarine.
The rad will be 20mgs and the s4 will be 50mgs.
I’m hoping you can guide me on if I have the right dosing and how long to run them. Would 10 weeks be good or should I go longer?
I’m 5’9’’ 190 pounds and 23
I’m looking to get some big time bulking on my next sarm cycle
I’m currently six foot 1
158 pounds and I would like to put on 10 or 20 pounds
I’ve increased my caloric intake to 1,000 Surplus every day. I’ve also reduced cardio so I’m not burning as much
I’m looking at several different sarms...
I’m in my late 20s and I’ve been training for the past nine months and I’m looking to take things to the next level. I’m getting in around 2200 calories per day and I plan to raise that to 2700 and I would like to do a lean bulk
looking to run a triple stack
rad140 20mgs a day
gw501516 25mgs a...
I'm about 16% body fat and 158 lb 5 ft 5 in
I'm looking to harden up the existing muscle I have on my frame
The sarms i want to use are S4/andarine, S23 and GW
Its gonna be 50mgs of s4
25mgs of GW
And 15mgs of s23
Planning 8 weeks but i want to run the S23 EOD and the others daily
Would this...
I'm looking to increase my lean muscle mass using sarms
My plan was s4/andarine but not sure how to stack it with ostarine mk2866 without offsetting each other if that makes sense
I’m eating healthy. Taking in 2600 cals per day and i’m 187 pounds and 6’ tall
Training resistance and band work...
My stats are 5’9’’ 220 pounds and 22% body fat
Want to cut down. I am muscular but I have a lot of softness to my body that I would like to harden up
8 weeks from now i would like to look good
I have a vacation wedding i am going to in Jamaica and i want to impress the bridesmaids lol