189 pounds
11% body fat
I want to recomp further and pop my abs
I plan on doing 200mgs testosterone cypionate with 50mgs a day winstrol
should I add in anavar with this or would that be too much on my liver?
In this IronOverLoad episode your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster from the UK Iron Den check out an oral only cycle – Turinabol and Anavar. We discuss:
What would be the best use of these two compounds?
The advantages and disadvantages of running oral only cycles.
How highly regarded both are...
I would like to try anavar but I'm scared of getting fake stuff
Can you recommend a source that has the real stuff?
I’m interested in trying it to see if it can help me with stubborn body fat. I’m 12% body fat but all the fat seems to be on the belly. I’m 5’8’’ and 170 pounds
In this IronOverLoad episode your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster from the UK Iron Den check out an oral only cycle – today Anavar and Turinabol. We discuss:
Using the two to get into dry hard and ripped shape
The advantages and disadvantages of running oral only cycles
We talk about the...
In this IronOverLoad episode your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster from the UK Iron Den check out an oral only cycle – today Anavar and Winstrol. We discuss:
The use of the two drugs as an aid to getting ripped, dry and cut
The advantages and disadvantages of running oral only cycles
We talk...
I was going to run an oral only cycle but decided to add injectables to it
right now I have anavar oxandrolone 50mgs a day for 12 weeks on hand
which injectables work good for lean muscle mass?
I’m 28, 5’6’’ 155 pounds
Here is my biggest stack yet
I’m 30 years old
5’11’’ 174 pounds and 8% body fat
My goal is bulking
Sustanon 1000mgs a week
Trenbolone enanthate 500mgs a week
Anavar Oxandrolone 100mgs a day
Anadrol 100mgs a day
Training 6x per week, no cardio
I’m gonna be doing a summer stack
I’ve got a few steroids I want to run here, my goal is to stay lean but put on some muscle too
I’m 43 years old, been using steroids 10 years or so
5’10’’ 187 pounds and 12% body fat
I want to use Trenbolone 200mgs/week
Primobolan 300mgs/week
Anavar oxandrolone...
this is going to be my third or 4 Cycle
34 years old 210 lb and almost 6 ft tall
I am going to use testosterone but not sure how much to run it for my goals if i stack in 500mgs equipoise and 30mgs a day anavar/oxandrolone
I'm 44 years old
6 ft 3 in
187 lb
12% body fat
I'm looking to do a mild steroid stack
How about primobolan 500mgs a week
anavar/oxandrolone 50mgs a day
Would 12 weeks be long enough and how long can i run the var?
looking to get into competition shape into the summer
my end goal is early august.
I’ve got winstrol on my mind, maybe anavar and turinabol too
which one of those would you say would be best?
I’m 6’1’’
174 pounds
8% body fat. Need to trim up
40 years old
160 pounds
I’ve got a cycle already planned with 100mgs testosterone cypionate
500mgs equipoise
I want to add an oral to it. I want to bulk up
Which one would work best between anavar and anadrol?
In this IronOverLoad episode your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster from the UK Iron Den check out one of Mobsters personal faves - Anavar. We discuss:
It's other names: Oxandrolone and 'Var'
It's history as a PED and original medical use – weight gain after losses as a result of medical issues...
In this IronOverLoad episode your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster from the UK Iron Den check out the lifters favourite drug – Winstrol. We discuss:
It's history as a PED – original medical use – reducing angioedema (hence being known as a 'dry' steroid)
Aka Stanazolol or Winnie
I just came off a steroid cycle and I was using anadrol and anavar
I’m 23 years old
my liver numbers are not good. I went and got blood work done because I was feeling pain in my lower back area. I'm taking liver products i got from gnc down the road.
it's not helping enough my numbers are still...
I'm 5 ft 7in and I weigh approximately 162 lb
if I want to run testosterone or sustanon along with anavar oxandrolone what are the benefits of doing that?
would the anavar help with fat loss along the way or would it be okay to put on some size.
Really I am looking to do more of a recomp cycle...
Best cycle i ever ran is anavar oxandrolone + testosterone from geneza pharma
I’m doing 50mgs of anavar and 300mgs of the test
I look and feel great on cycle. Getting explosive pumps during my workouts and i’m ripped down. Lost 2-3% body fat too on this stack.