Here is my biggest stack yet
I’m 30 years old
5’11’’ 174 pounds and 8% body fat
My goal is bulking
Sustanon 1000mgs a week
Trenbolone enanthate 500mgs a week
Anavar Oxandrolone 100mgs a day
Anadrol 100mgs a day
Training 6x per week, no cardio
that is a huge cycle. your stats are very lean. you can get good results. but back off a bit on the dosages. drop the tren to 400, drop the anadrol to 25mgs. drop the var to 50mg. that is PLENTY and still a big cycle
Here is my biggest stack yet
I’m 30 years old
5’11’’ 174 pounds and 8% body fat
My goal is bulking
Sustanon 1000mgs a week
Trenbolone enanthate 500mgs a week
Anavar Oxandrolone 100mgs a day
Anadrol 100mgs a day
Training 6x per week, no cardio
Bad Idea all the way. Tell us more about yourself. AAS history for instance. A great way to star bulking would be to EAT!! At 5'11"" and 174 you must not eat much. I'm 5'6" and around 170. Your 5" tall and about the same weight. EAT brother get some size and review your plan.